The Mammoth Games app is a trial run. Created to house a selection of games created by a selection of General Assembly students.

I used Rails and PostgreSQL in developing this site. I wanted to provide a quick an easy way to play games. Ideally, it would provide users with a library of games so that, instead of launching multiple apps, they could play quick sessions. That way, if you wanted to keep changing things up, you could do so with ease.

I started out with a list of things I wanted my site to do... and promptly shrunk it down. Then shrunk it down a bit more. Once that was done, I went ahead and drafted up a series of wireframes and pseudocode. That in hand, I came up with a series of user stories (link provided below).

The hardest part I had was, honestly, just trying to work with Ruby. Back-end stuff is still rather confusing and I feel rather inept. While I realize it is par for the course, I felt like I spent more time trying to sort through error messages than actually getting stuff done. Irritating to say the least. Of course, so was being unable to apply everything I wanted to to the actual app.

So far as using my app... there really isn't a whole lot to do. Just remember to bundle install.

Edit: I finally got my facebook API commenting thing to work. Yayyy

User Stories:
Github Site: