
Convert HTML to BBCode either using CLI or as a python package

Primary LanguagePython


HTML to BBCode converter

NOTE: This is a old python 2 library written by Vladimir Korsun. The original repo on bitbucket is now defunct and there hasn't been any updates since 2017. I fixed a few issues with would prevent installation on python 3.


Command line converter

Input data will be read from the specified file and the result will be written to the specified file using custom elements mapping:

$ html2bbcode --map map.conf input.html output.bbcode

Input data will be read from the specified file and the result will be written to the standart output:

$ html2bbcode input.html

Input data will be read from the standard input and the result will be written to the specified file:

$ cat input.html | html2bbcode output.bbcode

Input data will be read from the standard input and the result will be written to the standard output:

$ cat input.html | html2bbcode


--map option used to extend and change the default mapping:

start: [quote]
end: [/quote]

Python module

>>> parser = HTML2BBCode()
>>> str(parser.feed('<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul>'))
>>> str(parser.feed('<a href="http://google.com/">Google</a>'))
>>> str(parser.feed('<img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.png">'))
>>> str(parser.feed('<em>EM test</em>'))
'[i]EM test[/i]'
>>> str(parser.feed('<strong>Strong text</strong>'))
'[b]Strong text[/b]'
>>> str(parser.feed('<code>a = 10;</code>'))
'[code]a = 10;[/code]'
>>> str(parser.feed('<blockquote>Beautiful is better than ugly.</blockquote>'))
'[quote]Beautiful is better than ugly.[/quote]'