
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Title: Javascript Quiz App

Live Site:https://creyes17e.github.io/HW4-CodeQuiz/

Description: Created a Javascript quiz, where user receives 1 point if answer is correct and deducts 15 seconds from the timer if user is incorrect. Once the quiz has reached the end or the timer=0, your score and a form to submit your name initials and score will display. If you submit the form correctly your name initials along with your score will display.

Installation: Created a repo in github with a README.md. Through gitbash I cloned the repo I pulled and pushed the origin master to add pages and folders in github. I added and committed meaningful changes and updated the html, css, and js code.

Credits: Google Fu, YouTube:Code Explained;WebDevSimplified,Bootcamp Activities, W3Schools, JavaScript Cheat Sheet (websitesetup.org), StackOverflow, TAs, Bootcamp Instructor

Errors: Highscores do not store in the highscores.html(need to fix)