
A text-based adventure mini-game which you navigate by typing sentences like "go north" or "take yellow leaflet".

Primary LanguagePython

A text-based adventure: Finding Earl


'Finding Earl' is a text-based adventure game created by CribberSix.

The idea for the text-based approach originated from the TV-series 'Chuck' where the 1980 text-based video game 'Zork' was mentioned.

Useful commands

Useful commands:

  • help - shows this text
  • info - shows some information about the game
  • look - shows what the character can see
  • read or inspect - shows more details on a specific object
  • i or inventory - shows the inventory
  • take - takes an object to inventory
  • drop - drops an object to the floor
  • open or open ... with ... - opens an object
  • go or walk - lets you move around. Acceptable directions are: north\forward, west\left, south\backward, east\right


The algorithm tries to match the input's first word - needs to be a verb - to a game functionality. Some verbs work as a standalone. Other verbs require further input, for example what the object of the verb is. If there are more than one of the desired objects around, you will need to specify which one you mean with a descriptive adjective, for instance purple book .

The parser will tell you if he does not know a verb or if he needs further information, so the best thing to do is to try it out!

Running the Game

  1. Install the necessary packages with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the game with python Adventure.py.
  3. Have fun!


© CribberSix