
An easy to structing struct app framework.

Primary LanguageC#

What is this

It is an moduling framework using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

How to use

  1. Install package from nuget

Install Structing.Core and Structing

  1. Write a module

Implement interface IModuleEntry or extends class AutoModuleEntity

  1. Register/Ready/Start

Calling there methods to active modules

  1. Close

Call CloseAsync to close modules

Why need to do that

In many cases, you need to architecture your application. How should it be developed by structure, and modular design is always a good choice.

Using MSDI to manage services is a fast decoupling method.


  • Structing.Core

Can run at netstandard1.0 or netstandard2.0

  • Structing

Can run at net45 or netstandard2.0