Request Payments DApp

Request Payments on the blockchain. Final Project for the ConsenSys Academy 2021 Developer Bootcamp

Tables of Contents

Project Idea

The idea of this project is to create a contract that allows a participant(receiver) to request payment from another partipant(payer). All the requests and its status can be viewed all participants. This aims to encourage participants to clear their debts.

A payment request can be created by any user(receiver). A payment request would detail the amount requested and the intended payer.

Payer can choose accept the request, when he/she does so, the contract will determine if the payer has enough balance to fulfil the request. If so, the payment amount can be claimed.

Use Cases

  • A participant(Receiver) can create a request to another participant(Payer). The request would detail the payer's address as well the requested amount
  • A user(Payer) can choose to approve the request.
    • Chooses to approve: Payer would be prompt to approve said transaction. In which case, he/she will submit a transfer value of the requested amount to the contract address. The request will be marked as APPROVED.
    • Chooses NOT to approve: Request remains in OPEN.
  • A user(Receiver) can choose to cancel an OPEN request, between the time of request creation and approval by the assigned Payer.
  • A user can view all the requests they have created.
  • A user can view all the requests made to them.

Directory Structure

├── contracts/
│   ├── Migrations.sol
│   └── RequestPayments.sol
├── migrations/
│   ├── 1_initial_migration.js
│   └── 2_deployed_contracts.js
├── react-app/
│   └── ...
├── test/
│   └── RequestPayment.test.js
└── ...
  • contracts: contains the Request contracts of the project.
  • migrations: contains the deployment scripts(JS) for both Migrations.sol and RequestPayment.sol.
  • react-app: contains the files for the React front-end.
  • test: contains all the tests for RequestPayments.sol contract.

Installing Dependencies

Getting Started



Deploying the Smart Contract

Running Test Cases

Simply run the following in your terminal of choice

$ truffle test

Accessing via Netlify

RequestPayment Contract Address: TBD

Deployed Application URL: TBD The web application accessible via the url above is connected to an instance of the RequestPayment Contract deployed on the Kovan testnet as such you will need to be on the Kovan testnet to interact with the DApp.

Additional Ideas to explore

  • Make it possible for Payer to approve a partial payment.
  • Explore ways for Payer to reject a payment.
  • Optimizing Gas by dynamically reducing the Request[] storage variable after every call of the claimApprovedRequest() function.