
Repository for Consensys Academy bootcamp

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Repository for Consensys Academy bootcamp

Contract to configure payments to be done at a particular time

The idea of the project is to create a contract that allows different users to configure payments to be done at a given time (the initial idea is to reduce the use case to payments at a particular date to avoid the problem of determining the exact time when a function is executed). When a payment is configured to be done to a particular address, the owner of the address will be able to claim the payed amount (and request it to be transfered) when the specified payment date has been reached. Any address could be used as the recipient of more than one payment at the same time, from the same paying address or from different paying addresses. The possibility to implement the automation of the payment transfer when the time is reached will be evaluated, but it will deppend on the possibility to configure a temporal event to trigger the execution. Also since the number of addresses to receive payments could be high, it might not be feasible (from the point of view of the gas limit per transaction) to automate the payment.

Use Cases

  • A user can register a number of payments to be done in a particular date. A payment is defined by:
    • Payment amount
    • Destination address
    • Payment date
  • The amount received when a user registers a set of payments should be equal or greater than the sum of each payment amount.
  • A user that has been payed using the contract can request to receive the founds of all the payments that are available (the payment date has been reached).
  • A user that has configured a payment to be done can request its cancellation until one day before the payment date.
  • A user can check the amount to be received as payment.
  • A user can check the amount to be received as payment from a particular paying address.

Use Cases to Investigate

  • Create a time trigger to automate the transfer of all payments configured for a particular date.

After the investigation I have decided it is not a good idea to have this functionality. For security reasons it is preferrable to let the receivers claim their payments (in transactions initiated by themselves).

Download the project and run tests

To download this project and run the unit tests please follow the next steps:

  1. Make sure you have NodeJS installed in your machine.
  2. Clone the repository to a folder in your machine.
  3. Make sure you have Truffle Suite installed (see https://trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/getting-started/installation)
  4. Using a terminal application go the the directory created in the previous step and where the repository has been cloned, and run yarn install
  5. To run all solidity tests execute the following command truffle test

You can find the contracts in the contracts folder.

Running the web application

The web application has been created using Scaffold-eth (https://docs.scaffoldeth.io/scaffold-eth/). If you want to run the DApp locally in your machine you can follow the next steps.

a. Deploy the contracts

  1. You need a local node running in your machine. You can also use an application like Ganache (https://trufflesuite.com/docs/ganache/overview). In the next steps we consider the node configured to listen using the port 8545. If you are using a different port please make sure to edit the file truffle-config.js in the project's root folder.
  2. Execute the command truffle migrate --network local
  3. Take note of the address the ProgrammablePayment Proxy contract was deployed to. In the next example the deployed addres is 0x2ddC7CaE0c0036E5f414BfFF2A51747FFb8A45c2

   Deploying 'ProgrammablePayment'
   > transaction hash:    0x1cd189c311093b2fbad2b1359b39f20b051433e1bbe4418ff7ec3aff659a496f
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0x980Ebc8d9c1cF24108b5e233BFAD644D006B6C79
   > block number:        3
   > block timestamp:     1637897838
   > account:             0x02f090cFD08Ef0878608bE2C8a272443D09fc733
   > balance:             99.93684324
   > gas used:            2913479 (0x2c74c7)
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.05826958 ETH

   Deploying 'ERC1967Proxy'
   > transaction hash:    0x5c4299de8b2ee09a32239b9f281c4e37cfa1afd083445c1fdf6b10d1d8d0a627
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0x2ddC7CaE0c0036E5f414BfFF2A51747FFb8A45c2
   > block number:        4
   > block timestamp:     1637897839
   > account:             0x02f090cFD08Ef0878608bE2C8a272443D09fc733
   > balance:             99.9305506
   > gas used:            314632 (0x4cd08)
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.00629264 ETH

Deployed  0x2ddC7CaE0c0036E5f414BfFF2A51747FFb8A45c2

b. Start the web application

  1. From the terminal go to the react-app subfolder
  2. Install all dependencies executing yarn install
  3. Check that the app is configured to use the locally deployed contract by specifying NETWORKS.localhost as the targetNetwork (line 32 in the file react-app/src/App.jsx
const targetNetwork = NETWORKS.localhost; // <------- select your target frontend network (localhost, rinkeby, xdai, mainnet)
  1. Update the address of the ProgrammablePayment contract for the local network in the file react-app/src/contracts/hardhat_contracts.json
  "1337": {
    "localhost": {
      "name": "localhost",
      "chainId": "1337",
      "contracts": {
        "ProgrammablePayment": {
          "address": "0x2ddC7CaE0c0036E5f414BfFF2A51747FFb8A45c2",
  1. Start the local web server with the command yarn start

The start script will run the local application server listening in the port 3000. You will need to have a wallet like Metamask installed in your browser, and configure it to use the local network running in the port 8545 (or the correct port if you decided to use a different one).

Deployed application for testing

If you are interested in testing the application without installing or downloading anything, you can use the following address: https://programmablepayment.netlify.app/ This testing page is connected to an instance of the ProgrammablePayment contract that has been deployed in the Ropsten testnet. You will need to have a Ropsten address with some founds to use the DApp.