Team ID: SLICE-T8 | Team Members: Aayush Ranjan Jha & Akhil Joshi

Primary LanguageJavaScript

With npm package slicedoclib

A document library that supports upload of documents from different data sources such as your device, google drive etc and store it in your AWS s3 bucket.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Project Structure
  3. Getting Started
  4. Library Usage
  5. Roadmap
  6. Contributing
  7. License
  8. Contact

About The Project

The project will be a library that can be plugged into a web app or an android app as a component. The library integrates with multiple data sources (like digiLocker, Google Drive etc.) and storage services (like S3) and uploads data from these sources to the chosen storage service.

Project Architecture

Built With

Project Structure

   |-- app.js
   |-- controllers
   |   |-- auth.js
   |   |-- getDocs.js
   |   |-- upload.js
   |-- package-lock.json
   |-- package.json
   |-- routes
   |   |-- auth.js
   |   |-- getDocs.js
   |   |-- upload.js
   |-- package-lock.json
   |-- package.json
   |-- public
   |   |-- index.html
   |-- src
   |   |-- App.css
   |   |-- App.js
   |   |-- apis
   |   |   |-- Api_S3.js
   |   |   |-- Api_digimocker.js
   |   |   |-- Api_gDrive.js
   |   |   |-- Api_link.js
   |   |-- assets
   |   |-- components
   |   |   |-- AlertDialog.js
   |   |   |-- AuthS3.js
   |   |   |-- CameraSetup.js
   |   |   |-- CardPreview.js
   |   |   |-- DigiMocker.js
   |   |   |-- GoogleDrive.js
   |   |   |-- LinkSetup.js
   |   |   |-- MyDevice.js
   |   |   |-- TabPanel.js
   |   |   |-- camera
   |   |   |   |-- Camera.js
   |   |   |   |-- cameraHelper.js
   |   |   |-- toasts.js
   |   |-- index.js
   |   |-- layout
   |   |   |-- Home
   |   |   |   |-- Home.js
   |   |   |   |-- style.css
sliceDocLib (Here is the Main Library)
   |-- data-sources
   |   |-- digiMocker.js
   |   |-- googleDrive.js
   |   |-- linkSource.js
   |-- index.js
   |-- package-lock.json
   |-- package.json
   |-- storage-services
   |   |-- awsS3.js

Getting Started

Our main focus on sliceDocLib folder mention in the folder structure.

To get started with we have created a frontend and backend to play with it. This example will help you to setting up your project locally.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/Crio-Winter-of-Doing-2021/SLICE-T8
  2. Install NPM packages inside Frontend

    cd Frontend
    npm install or npm i
  3. Install NPM packages in Backend (We have already added library in package.json)

    cd Backend
    npm install or npm i
  4. Setup environment variables

    • In .env file in Frontend and Backend folders to use google drive as data source
    • For Frontend part define the client id as
       REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID='Your Client id mentioned in the google console'
    • For Backend part define as
       SECRET='Your secret key (For jwt authentication)'
       CLIENT_ID='Your Client id mentioned in the google console'
       CLIENT_SECRET='Your Client secret mentioned in the google console'
       REDIRECT_URIS='redirection after successful authentication from google account (Usually you frontend url)'

    And you are ready to go 🚀

Library Usage

Functions Description File Folder
authenticateToS3() To Authenticate to the s3 bucket using accesskey, secretkey & ARN values awsS3.js storage-services
uploadToS3Middleware() Middleware to upload files to the s3 bucket using Multer as middleware awsS3.js storage-services
authenticateToDigiMocker() To Authenticate to the digimocker using email Id & password digiMocker.js data-sources
getDocsFromMocker() To get all the documents present in the digimocker using email Id & auth-token digiMocker.js data-sources
getSpecificDocsFromMocker() To get a specfic document from the digimocker using email Id auth-token & name (as a param) digiMocker.js data-sources
authenticateToDrive() To Authenticate to the google drive using the basic credentials (client id, client secret redirection url & token) and list the files present after successful authentication googleDrive.js data-sources
getDocsFromDrive() To get a specific document from google drive as response-type in array-buffer googleDrive.js data-sources
getLinkData() To get a image from the url or the link which is passed as param linkSource.js data-sources


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License.


Names -
Akhil Joshi - akhil.joshi1997@gmail.com
Aayush Rajan Jha - aayushjha48@gmail.com