Hi there 👋

Cristiano Morgante here!

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About Me

🔭   I’m currently working on veloq erp project with
Laravel  Tailwind  JavaScript  MySql .
🌱   I’m currently learning more about \

Linux  (LPIC1, LFD301, LPIC2) and other cool stuff like LunarVim  Tmux \

Majoring in Systems Analysis and Development at UNICESUMAR

💡   I like to explore new technologies.
✍️   In my free time, I pursue Next.js  React .
✉️   You can shoot me an email at cristiano@morgante.com.br! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.
💬   Ask me about anything.
📄   Please have a look at my LinkedIn for more details about me. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!
💬   Feel free to reach out to me for a formal or just for some interesting chat.

🤝🏻  Connect with Me

📫 How to reach me:

🛠  Tech Stack

Laravel  Tailwind  Git  GitHub  Linux  LunarVim  Typescript  JavaScript  React  Next.js  StyledComponents  Storybook  Jest  Node.js  Graphql  ApolloGraphql 
Tmux  Strapi  MySql  PostgreSql 
Bootstrap  HTML  CSS  Markdown
Visual Studio Code 

⚙️  GitHub Analytics

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Last Edited on: 20/03/2024