Hackathon Digitaltag 2022

Der Hackathon nutzt Daten der Kaggle challange https://www.kaggle.com/kaustubhb999/tomatoleaf

Den Code können Sie über diesen Link in Google Colab öffnen: https://colab.research.google.com/github/Criscraft/HackathonDigitaltag2022/blob/main/TrainingAndValidation.ipynb

Making the code work offline:

If you prefer to implement this code in a local device (CPU), please follow the below steps:

  • Clone this repository locally, either by downloading the files in zipped format directly from Github or using git library installed in your device:
git clone https://github.com/Criscraft/HackathonDigitaltag2022.git
  • Select the folder where you have downloaded/cloned the Git
cd HackathonDigitaltag2022
  • We recommend you to use Anaconda for the implementation, for more on installation on Anaconda see: Ananconda Installation

  • Create a new conda enviornment

conda create --name myenv python=3.8 pip
  • activate the enviorment
conda activate myenv

If you prefer, you can give any desired name for the created enviorment by replacing myenv with your desired name

  • Install the requirements from the requirements_cpu.txt file
pip install -r requirements_cpu.txt
  • Once installation is complete, open Jupyter Notebook to make the notebook work
jupyter notebook
  • Open jupyter notebook on your favourate web-browser (if not automatically opened)

Open local host http://localhost:8888

And select the file TrainingAndValidation.ipynb