• Roadmap For Practicing Data Structures And Algorithms
    • Practice Link
    • Arrays & Strings
      • Basic Array And Strings Questions
      • Kadane's Algorithm
      • Dutch National Flag Algorithm
      • Sliding Window
      • Two pointers
    • Multidimensional arrays
      • Traversal Based Problems
      • Rotation Based Problems
    • Recursion And Backtracking
      • Basic Recursion Questions
      • Divide And Conquer
    • Sorting Algoritms
      • Insertion Sort
      • Selection Sort
    • Binary Search Applications
      • Binary Search On Arrays
      • Binary Search On Matrix
    • Linked Lists
      • Reversal Problems
      • Sorting Problems
      • Slow And Fast Pointers
      • Modify In Linked list
    • Stacks & Queues
      • Implementation Based Problems
      • Application Based Problems
    • Binary Trees
      • Tree Traversals
      • Construction Of Trees
      • Tree Views
      • Standard Problems
    • BST
      • Construction Of BST
      • Conversion Based Problems
      • Modification in BST
      • Standard Problems
    • Priority Queues And Heaps
      • Implementation Based problems
      • Conversion based problems
      • K Based Problems
    • Graphs
      • Graph Traversals - BFS And DFS
      • MST
      • Shortest Path Algorithms
      • Topological Sort
      • Graphs in Matrix
    • Dynamic Programming
      • DP with Arrays
      • DP With Strings
      • DP With Maths
      • DP With Trees
      • Breaking And Partition Based Problems
      • Counting Based Problems
    • Hard Recursion And Backtracking Questions
    • Other Topics
      • Hashmaps
      • Tries
      • Bit Manipulation
      • Greedy
      • Circular Queues
      • Deques - Hot Topic
      • Doubly And Circular LL
      • String Algorithms like KMP and Z Algorithm