
Subastas con Symfony 4

Primary LanguagePHP

Subastas with Symfony 4


You must have COMPOSER installed once you cloned this project


composer install

This will create a vender folder which contains third party dependencies.



/ Show all the active auctions at the moment.



It allows visitors to register new accounts into the system.

/login To authenticate the user. loginAnimation


/ver-pujas It shows all the bids placed by the user. If the user's role is admin he would be able to see all the bids placed.

/ver-subasta Lists all the auctions and allows the admins to perform diferent CRUD operations.


Allows the admins to edit the selected bid.

/borrar-puja/{id} Allows the admins to remove the selected bid.

/crear-puja Allows the admins to create a new bid.


/ver-subasta/{id} Shows the selected auction detailed.

Show Subasta Animation

/editar-subasta/{id} Allows the admins to edit the selected auction. Edit Subasta Animation

/borrar-subasta/{id} Allows the admins to remove the selected auction. Remove Subasta Animation

/crear-subasta Allows the admins to create a new auction. Create Subasta Animation