This is our Cup of Sugar app. It's an app that helps you share items you might not use every day. Got an snowblower you use only during heavy snow? A lawnmower thats gaining cobbwebs? Share it with your neighbors!
Go to the 'post favor' page and fill out the form to register an item as shareable. Your neighbors will be able to send you a message and request it's use.
Need a favor? Go to the 'get favor' page and browse the cards to see if what you need is available!
Handlebars (HTML)
Handlebars handles our view layouts and the overall structure of our HTML.
I'd say standard average style but there's nothing standard about how good this looks.
Node.js/Express (Javascript)
The meat and potatoes of the website. Handles the server, routing, AJAX API calls, and so much more!
User authentication.
MySQL ORM for database management.
Deployment. This may not seem like a tech stack, but you should try to use it with MySQL sometime.