
Python implementation of Cholesky Decomposition

Primary LanguagePython

Cholesky Factorization


  1. Introduction
  2. The Cholesky algorithm
  3. Implementation Info and comparison with other methods
  4. Results
  5. Installation and virtual environment preparation
  6. Execution Guide
  7. References


In linear algebra, the Cholesky decomposition or Cholesky factorization is a decomposition of a Hermitian, positive-definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose, which is useful for efficient numerical solutions, e.g., Monte Carlo simulations and Linear least squares problems.

The Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian positive-definite matrix $A$, is a decomposition of the form

$A = L L^∗$ ,

where $L$ is a lower triangular matrix with real and positive diagonal entries, and $L^*$ denotes the conjugate transpose of $L$. Every Hermitian positive-definite matrix (and thus also every real-valued symmetric positive-definite matrix) has a unique Cholesky decomposition.

When $A$ is a real matrix (hence symmetric positive-definite), the factorization may be written

$A = L L^T$,

where $L$ is a real lower triangular matrix with positive diagonal entries.

Positive semidefinite matrices

If a Hermitian matrix $A$ is only positive semidefinite, instead of positive definite, then it still has a decomposition of the form $A = LL^*$ where the diagonal entries of L are allowed to be zero. The decomposition need not be unique, for example:

$$ {\displaystyle { \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}}=\mathbf {L} \mathbf {L} ^{*},\quad \quad \mathbf {L} ={\begin{bmatrix}0&0\\cos \theta &\sin \theta \end{bmatrix}}.} $$

However, if the rank of $A$ is $r$, then there is a unique lower triangular $L$ with exactly $r$ positive diagonal elements and $n−r$ columns containing all zeroes.

The Cholesky algorithm

The Cholesky algorithm, used to calculate the decomposition matrix L, is a modified version of Gaussian elimination.

The recursive algorithm starts with i := 1 and

$A(1) := A$.

At step i, the matrix $A^{(i)}$ has the following form:

$$\mathbf {A} ^{(i)}={\begin{pmatrix}\mathbf {I}_{i-1}&0&0\\ 0 &a_{i,i}&\mathbf {b}_{i}^{*}\\ 0&\mathbf {b} _{i}&\mathbf {B} ^{(i)} \end{pmatrix}},$$

where $I_{i−1}$ denotes the identity matrix of dimension i − 1.

If we now define the matrix $L_i$ by

$$\mathbf {L}_{i}:={\begin{pmatrix}\mathbf {I}_{i-1}&0&0\\\ 0&{\sqrt {a_{i,i}}}&0\\\ 0&{\frac {1}{\sqrt {a_{i,i}}}}\mathbf {b} _{i}&\mathbf {I} _{n-i}\end{pmatrix}},$$

(note that $a_{i,i}$ > 0 since $A^{(i)}$ is positive definite), then we can write $A^{(i)}$ as

$$ \mathbf {A} ^{(i)}=\mathbf {L} _{i}\mathbf {A} ^{(i+1)}\mathbf {L} _{i}^{*} $$


$$\mathbf {A} ^{(i+1)}={\begin{pmatrix}\mathbf {I}_{i-1}&0&0\\\ 0&1&0\\\ 0&0&\mathbf {B} ^{(i)}-{\frac {1}{a_{i,i}}}\mathbf {b} _{i}\mathbf {b} _{i}^{*}\end{pmatrix}}.$$

Note that $b_i$ $b^*_i$ is an outer product, therefore this algorithm is called the outer-product version in (Golub & Van Loan).

We repeat this for i from 1 to n. After n steps, we get $A^{(n+1)}$ = $I$. Hence, the lower triangular matrix $L$ we are looking for is calculated as

$$ \mathbf {L} :=\mathbf {L} _{1}\mathbf {L} _{2}\dots \mathbf {L} _{n}. $$

The Cholesky–Banachiewicz and Cholesky–Crout algorithms

If we write out the equation

$$ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} =\mathbf {LL} ^{T}&={\begin{pmatrix}L_{11}&0&0\\ L_{21}&L_{22}&0\\ L_{31}&L_{32}&L_{33}\\ \end{pmatrix}}{\begin{pmatrix}L_{11}&L_{21}&L_{31}\\ 0&L_{22}&L_{32}\\ 0&0&L_{33}\end{pmatrix}}\\ &={\begin{pmatrix}L_{11}^{2}&&({\text{symmetric}})\\ L_{21}L_{11}&L_{21}^{2}+L_{22}^{2}&\\ L_{31}L_{11}&L_{31}L_{21}+L_{32}L_{22}&L_{31}^{2}+L_{32}^{2}+L_{33}^{2}\end{pmatrix}},\end{aligned}}} $$

we obtain the following:

$$ {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {L} ={\begin{pmatrix}{\sqrt {A_{11}}}&0&0\\ A_{21}/L_{11}&{\sqrt {A_{22}-L_{21}^{2}}}&0\\ A_{31}/L_{11}&\left(A_{32}-L_{31}L_{21}\right)/L_{22}&{\sqrt {A_{33}-L_{31}^{2}-L_{32}^{2}}}\end{pmatrix}}\end{aligned}}} $$

and therefore the following formulas for the entries of L:

$$ {\displaystyle L_{j,j}=(\pm ){\sqrt {A_{j,j}-\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}L^{2}_{j,k}}},} $$

$$ {\displaystyle L_{i,j}={\frac {1}{L_{j,j}}}\left(A_{i,j}-\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}L_{i,k}L_{j,k}\right)\quad {\text{for }}i>j.} $$

For complex and real matrices, inconsequential arbitrary sign changes of diagonal and associated off-diagonal elements are allowed. The expression under the square root is always positive if A is real and positive-definite.

For complex Hermitian matrix, the following formula applies:

$$ {\displaystyle L_{j,j}={\sqrt {A_{j,j}-\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}L_{j,k}L_{j,k}^{*}}},} $$

$$ {\displaystyle L_{i,j}={\frac {1}{L_{j,j}}}\left(A_{i,j}-\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}L_{i,k}L_{j,k}^{*}\right)\quad {\text{for }}i>j.} $$

So we can compute the (i, j) entry if we know the entries to the left and above. The computation is usually arranged in either of the following orders:

  • Computation proceeding row by row: Cholesky–Banachiewicz algorithm

    It starts from the upper left corner of the matrix L and proceeds to calculate the matrix row by row.

  • Computation proceeding column by column: Cholesky–Crout algorithm

    It starts from the upper left corner of the matrix L and proceeds to calculate the matrix column by column.

The Diagonal by Diagonal Computation Algorithm

We found that there exist another, funny and much difficult to implement, method to compute the Cholesky Factorization. This was an idea of our Numerical Approximation course professor and consist in computing the factorization by proceeding in diagonal (antidiagonal to be precise).
This method starts from the upper left corner of the matrix L and proceeds to calculate the matrix antidiagonal by antidiagonal (see the img below for more details).


Implementation Info and comparison with other methods

In order to demonstrate the speed of Cholesky Factorization over Gaussian Elimination we make a lot of test using a 5000 x 5000 matrix and log the execution time of the 2 method.

  • Cholesky Factorization time complexity: $O(\dfrac{1}{3} n^3 + \dfrac{2}{3}n)$
  • Gaussian Elimination time complexity: $O(n^3)$

The comparis was made using normal compilation and also compilation with JIT provided by Numba python package (see Numba).

Directory content explaination

The project is composed of 4 directory:

  • cholesky_factorization: contains the cholesky.py file that contains the cholesky implementations with all 3 methods described before.
  • utils: contains some python script used for
    • generate random matrix which are solvable factorizable using cholesky
    • log execution time
    • test and validation of obtained results
  • gaussian_elimination: contains gaussian_elimination.py script that implement gaussian elimination method.
  • linear_system_solver: contains linsys_solver.py script that implement the resolution of linear system.

You can take the single script and refactor the code to use for any correlated implementation as you want.
For any doubt, question or issue you can open an issue or post it on Discussion tab.


In this section there are the result obtained with random 5000 x 5000 matrix in order to compare Gauss and Cholesky methods.
For each type of test we repeated it 3 times to obtain an avg value.
The execution times are expressed in milliseconds (ms).

Cholesky Factorization (no JIT)

Algorithm Method Matrix Size JIT Execution Time #1 Execution Time #2 Execution Time #3 AVG Execution Time
Cholesky COLUMN 5000 46000 45000 45000 45333.33
Cholesky ROW 5000 73000 71000 70000 71333.33
Cholesky DIAGONAL 5000 48000 49000 48000 48333.33

Cholesky Factorization (JIT)

Algorithm Method Matrix Size JIT Execution Time #1 Execution Time #2 Execution Time #3 AVG Execution Time
Cholesky COLUMN 5000 23000 23000 23000 23000.00
Cholesky ROW 5000 43000 43000 42000 42666.66
Cholesky DIAGONAL 5000 25000 26000 26000 25666.66

Gussian Elimination

Algorithm Method Matrix Size JIT Execution Time #1 Execution Time #2 Execution Time #3 AVG Execution Time
Gauss 5000 51000 50000 50000 50333.33

Cholesky (no JIT) vs Cholesky (JIT)

Algorithm Method Matrix Size AVG Execution Time (no JIT) AVG Execution Time (JIT) DIFF
Cholesky COLUMN 5000 45333.33 23000.00 -22333.33 (49.26%)
Cholesky ROW 5000 71333.33 42666.66 -28666.67 (40.18%)
Cholesky DIAGONAL 5000 48333.33 25666.66 -22666.67 (46.89%)

Cholesky Factorization VS Gaussian Elimination

Cholesky Factorization Method JIT AVG Execution Time Gaussian Elimination AVG Execution Time DIFF
COLUMN 45333.33 50333.33 -5000.00 (9.93%)
ROW 71333.33 50333.33 +21000.00 (41.72%)
DIAGONAL 48333.33 50333.33 -2000.00 (3.97%)
COLUMN 23000.00 50333.33 -27333.33 (54.30%)
ROW 42666.66 50333.33 -7666.66 (15.23%)
DIAGONAL 25666.66 50333.33 -24666.67 (49.00%)

Installation and virtual environment preparation

  1. Create a dir and download the project inside.
  2. Create a virtual env in that directory
    virtualenv cholesky_env
  3. Activate venv to install project requirements
    source cholesky_env/bin/activate
  4. Move to project dir and Install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Now you are ready to execute and test the project.

Execution Guide

Script help page:

python main.py --help

usage: main.py [-h] [-tm {simple,find_limit,benchmark}] [-m {row,column,diagonal}] [--jit] [--seed SEED] [--size SIZE] [-alg {cholesky,gauss}] [-v]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -tm {simple,find_limit,benchmark}, --test_mode {simple,find_limit,benchmark}
                        Start the selected test mode.
                                simple:     generate data, compute factorization/decomposition and resolve the Linear System.
                                find_limit: compute different Cholesky Factorization over bigger matrix (size * 2) every time, starting from a 100x100.
                                benchmark:  generate data and only compute the factorization/decomposition. 
                                            This returns the execution time and saves results in a file
  -m {row,column,diagonal}, --method {row,column,diagonal}
                        Select which Cholesky implementation to use.
  --jit                 Enable JIT to enhance the performance.
  --seed SEED           Set the seed for the Random Number Generation.
  --size SIZE           Set the matrix size (if possible).
  -alg {cholesky,gauss}, --algorithm {cholesky,gauss}
                        Choose the algorithm to use.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose mode.

Run a simple test:

The following line starts a simple test using a matrix 200x200, with a seed of 20 using the Cholesky Factorization with the diagonal method/implementation.

python main.py -tm simple -alg cholesky -m diagonal --seed 20 --size 200

The following line starts the same test of the previous one with the Gaussian Decomposition algorithm.

python main.py -tm simple -alg gauss --seed 20 --size 200

Run a benchmark with JIT 🚀

This line runs the Cholesky Factorization algorithm with the row method/implementation, over a 10000x10000 matrix, with seed 20, using JIT compiling.

python main.py -tm benchmark --jit -alg cholesky -m row --seed 20 --size 10000



cosci vescera fagiolo
Cristian Cosci 🐔 Nicolò Vescera 🦧 Fabrizio Fagiolo 🐛