
A basic client-server implementation written in c using AF_UNIX socket.

Primary LanguageC


A basic client-server program written in c using AF_UNIX socket.


  • Manages multiple connections at a time via threads
  • For each connection launch a new thread that will manage the connection with the client
  • The reply message is a string equal to the original message but each character has inverted the "letter case", i.e., uppercase characters become lowercase and vice versa
    • Example: string received hello -> string returned HELLO
  • The server checks if the string contains "white-space" characters ('', \ f, \ t, \ r, \ t, \ v). In case they are found, it does NOT convert and returns an error to the client.


  • Opens a connection to the server and sends a string
  • Waits for the result before sending a new string
  • Ends when it receives as input (from user) string quit

Implementation info

Implementation of signal management in the server following the reception of one of the following signals:

  • If one of these signals is received, the server must terminate leaving the consistent state
  • Use a dedicated signal management thread

Instructions for execution:

  • Download all the files from the repository
  • Open a terminal in the folder containing the files
  • Use the make terminal command to compile all the files and obtain an executable for the server and one for the client
  • Launch the server with ./server
  • Subsequently launch (in a new terminal for each client) one or more clients with the con ./client
  • The connection can be closed with the quit command from the client as seen above
  • To clean up the compiled files use make clean