NYU Vis Lab

Creating a post

  • Create a file on the folder _posts with the name in the format yyyy-mm-dd-{Name}.md


      layout: post  
      title:  "{Title}"  
      date:   2016-05-27 11:20:40 -0400  
      conference: "{Venue of publication}"  
      categories: paper  
      excerpt: "{Short Description}"  
      teaser: "Revex.png"
      video: "Revex.mp4"
      demo: "http://nyuvis.github.io/texttile/Demo.html?dataset=whs"
      paper: "http://nyuvis.github.io/texttile/Demo.html?dataset=whs"
      sumplement: "http://nyuvis.github.io/texttile/Demo.html?dataset=whs"
          - Cristian Felix
          - Anshul V. Pandey
          - Enrico Berini
    {Text in markdown}
  • Add any images or videos on the folder named assets