Directory Walker

This is a simple implementation of a programm test in Linux 18, which collects all file names inside a directory. Once collected, the file names could be sorted according to a extension, if desiered.

    DirWalker dirWalker("paht/to/file", ".png", 4);

This implementation does not only gather the file names in a given directory, in case it is a png or jpg file, they would be automatically opened and saved into a vector. This could be recovered by calling the method getListOfImages()

    std::vector<cv::Mat> images = dirWalker.getListOfImages();


In order to run this implemtation, the header file <experimental/filesystem> part of the filesyste library is used for more information click here.

Consequently, the cpp file should be linked with -lstdc++fs at compilation time.

The OpenCV Library should also be installed und liked see the documentation.


The implementation can be as follows compiled:

First of all, navigate into the directory ./directoryWalker/. Then, compile the cpp file with the following commad:

    g++ std=c++17 main.cpp dirWalker.cpp -o dirWalker -lstdc++fs `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`

Lastly, the modul could be executed by using the command ./dirWalker on the Terminal