This is the TensorFlow implementation of the IEEE CVPR 2020 paper "ARShadowGAN: Shadow Generative Adversarial Network for Augmented Reality in Single Light Scenes". The overview of ARShadowGAN is shown below.
- CUDA (9.0)
- cuDNN (7.4.1)
- tensorflow-gpu (1.12.0)
- opencv-python (
- numpy (1.16.5)
- python (3.5.4)
This code has been tested under Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 successfully with all the requirements.
Our Shadow-AR dataset is partially available. Download the file and unzip it. Supervised data samples are shown below.
Shadow-AR contains five kinds of images and corresponding images in different directories have the same name:
Directory | Content | Role |
noshadow | AR images without shadows of inserted virtual objects | Input |
mask | Mask images of inserted virtual objects | Input |
rshadow | Real-world shadow matting images | Attention supervision |
robject | Mask images of real-world shadows' occluders | Attention supervision |
shadow | AR images with plausible virtual object shadows | Output supervision |
The dataset configurations used for ARShadowGAN training and evaluation are comming soon.
Shadow-AR dataset is free for non-commercial research. You can use it for other tasks, merge or re-split it as desired.
We provide the code and pre-trained model for readers/researchers to reproduce our experimental results.
- Run in terminal:
git clone
cd ARShadowGAN/
Download the pre-trained model model.pb and place it in directory "model/".
Prepare image data containing input AR images and virtual object masks. Such as samples in directory "data/":
Run in terminal:
Generated attention maps and AR images with virtual object shadows will be saved in directory "output/".
To test with custom image data, modify line 13 (data_root = ....) or replace images in directories "noshadow/" and "mask/".
Images input to ARShadowGAN should be resized to 256x256.
If you use the code or Shadow-AR dataset in your own research, please cite:
title = {ARShadowGAN: Shadow Generative Adversarial Network for Augmented Reality in Single Light Scenes},
author = {Liu, Daquan and Long, Chengjiang and Zhang, Hongpan and Yu, Hanning and Dong, Xinzhi and Xiao, Chunxia},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}