
Database created in order to manage the activity of a car company with an interface (Oracle SQL and Java)

Primary LanguageJava


Database created in order to manage the activity of a car company with an app interface(Oracle SQL+Java)

Database created to track down all the the management side of a car company. It saves information about the list of models that the car company produced, all the cars that were produced, the factories of the company, the suppliers for car parts if needed, the parts they need, the showrooms of the company, all the employees of the company without the ones from showroom because those are independent from the company and are linked directly to the showrooms and in the end the customers. The database was created in SQL Developer. In order to make the database more interactive I decided to create an aplication in Java using mainly JTables that let's you run through each table to see all the data you want from the DB, modify the data(just modification or deletion), Composite display with the posibility of creating views.