

Tectonic plates and Earthquakes Visualization


In this project, you will find an exciting visualization of earthquakes that have happened in the last seven days. Additionally, you'll able to see the distribution of the tectonic plates all over the world.

The earthquakes' data comes from a massive amount of information collected by the United States Geological Survey, or USGS for short! The USGS is responsible for providing scientific data about natural hazards, the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. This data is collected from all over the world each day, and it's available through their API.

The tectonic plates information comes from a data set available in GitHub.



Libraries used:

Leaflet, D3.js, Mapbox


tectonic plates: https://github.com/fraxen/tectonicplates/tree/master/GeoJSON
earthquakes: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/all_week.geojson