- aviflax@latacora
- benhouriganHourigan & Co.
- bertogc
- bfoste01Boston, MA
- BillyCA1
- bluebirchSweden
- cknollFaculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dresden University of Technology
- danielsaurusJurassic Park
- dpi42
- eemailme
- EnkerliMontreal, Qc
- gbeck
- harbourdraft
- hariharan2105Self
- htooothNan Jing, China
- hubbyist
- jondkinney@headwayio
- Konkussion75
- laughedelic@Tapad
- lloydwoodhamImperial College London
- macdrifterMacdrifter
- mistercliff
- pnbvPortugal
- settermjdMatthew Setter
- sgroth
- SiGhTfOrbACQ
- TechnodadThe Open Group
- themindfulbitCarson City, NV
- trauber
- trenkertHeidelberg
- ttscoff@oracle-devrel
- tzarskyz
- UNIVAC-Colonel-Panic
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc