
A web client for visualizing your Apache Kafka topics live.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Kafka Visualizer

A web client for visualizing your Kafka cluster. Developed using Spring Boot, ReactJS and Bootstrap 4.


How to build?

Run the following command on the parent maven module kafka-visualizer:

$ mvn package

The executable jar will be generated under the target directory of kafka-visualizer-rest module.


  1. Maven
  2. JDK 10 with JavaFX
  3. Node Package Manager (npm)

How to run (locally)?

Run the executable jar using the following command and then navigate to localhost:8080 on your browser:

$ java --add-modules java.activation -jar .\kafka-visualizer-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --zookeeper=hostname:port --kafka=hostname:port --env=<DEV,QA,UAT or PROD>

How to run (Dockerfile)?

$ docker pull kbhargava/kafka-visuals
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm kbhargava/kafka-visuals <zookeeper IP:Host> <kafka IP:host> <DEV, PROD, UAT, QA>

Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.


Rest API endpoints

  • GET /api/brokers: Returns a list of all brokers in the cluster.
  • GET /api/topics: Returns a list of all topics in the cluster
  • GET /api/consumers: Returns a list of all active consumers.
  • GET /api/consumers/{topicName}/{partition}: Returns a list of active consumers for a certain topic-partition pair.
  • GET /api/topics/{topicName}/{partition}: Returns a list of messages on a certain topic-partition pair.
  • POST /api/topics/{topicName}: Accepts text/plain message with a key and a value (eg: key=1&value=2), and publishes it to a certain topic.