
a clone of the new classic 2048 game, written in 8086 assembly for DOS and the bootsector

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT

          _            ___   ___  _  _   ___  
         | |          |__ \ / _ \| || | / _ \ 
 _ __ ___| |_ _ __ ___   ) | | | | || || (_) |
| '__/ _ \ __| '__/ _ \ / /| | | |__   _> _ < 
| | |  __/ |_| | | (_) / /_| |_| |  | || (_) |
|_|  \___|\__|_|  \___/____|\___/   |_| \___/ 

This is a clone of the new classic 2048 game, written in 8086 assembly for DOS and the bootsector.



  • nasm
  • make



This should generate three files:

  • r2048.com: the full version of the game with score and proper randomization on adding new cells, for DOS.
  • b2048.bin: bootsector version, it's a subset of the game with less features, but still fun.
  • b2048.com: the same bootsector version, but built for the DOS platform, for faster testing iterations.


The easiest way to run is via DosBox, using r2048.com program. The boot version can be playing with qemu:

qemu-system-i386 -fda b2048.bin


This code is licensed under the MIT License. Please refer to LICENSE.md file.