Notification Center Spike

A spike project to investigate how to integrate Paraspace events with Discord API/ Telegram API/ Email

This spike is based on the assumptions that:

  1. All notification events are from a SQS queue that sent by a upstream service
  2. The notified user's notification perference(Email|Discord|Telegram) and notified account information(Email address|Discord account ID|Telegram chat ID) can be fetched from other place.


  1. AWS SES
    1. A verified domain/identity in AWS SES
    2. Promote AWS SES to production
    3. Set the verified identity as the sender in environment varaiables
  2. Discord
    1. A Discord Bot created in Discord Develooper Portal
    2. Install the bot to your expected channel
    3. Set the bot's token in environment variables
  3. Telegram
    1. A Telegram Bot created in Telegram @BotFather chat
    2. Set the bot's token in environment variables


This bot is configured by environment variables. Before you running it, please make sure you have prepared the requirements mentioned above.

Environment Description Default Required
DRY_RUN In dry run mode bot will not get real message, using a stub one instead false false
AWS_REGION The region that this application is in true
EMAIL_SENDER The sender identity in AWS SES true
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN The token of the discord bot true
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN The token of the telegram bot true

Local Usage

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run nvm use to switch to correct node version
  3. Make sure pnpm is installed
  4. Create your own environment variables in .env file
  5. Run pnpm install
  6. Run pnpm start or pnpm dryrun

How to generate Access tokens for different notification target?


  • Login to AWS SES console
  • Go to Verified Identities tab
  • Click Create identity
  • Choose Email address as identity type
  • Input your email address that will be used as the sender
  • Click Create identity button
  • Go to your email inbox and click the link in the email to verify it
  • Set the sender's email address to EMAIL_SENDER environment variable
  • Done!


  • Login to Discord and go to Discord Developer Portal
  • Click New Application to create the App that you will use to manage the Discord Bot
  • Go to Bot tab
  • Give the bot a meaningful username / icon
  • Click Reset Token and save the Bot's token
  • Go to OAuth2/URL Generator tab
  • Click bot checkbox and then click Send Messages & Send TTS Messages in the following checkbox
  • Copy the generated URL in the bottom and go to this link
  • The link will direct you to a page to install the Bot to a Discord server that you own
  • Confirm it
  • Set the Bot's token to DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN environment variable
  • Done!


  • Login to your Telegram account in any app
  • Contact the offcial @BotFather
  • Follow the instruction of @BotFather to create the Telegram Bot
  • Save the Bot's token
  • Set the Bot's token to TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN environment variable
  • Done!