
Simple POC. You call a number and get an MP3 back. Requires Twlio. Heroku strongly recommended.

Primary LanguagePython

POC for Twilio


  • Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:wbur/call-for-audio.git
  • Get into the new dir: cd call-for-audio
  • Set up a venv (preferably ~python 3.8) python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate venv: . venv/bin/activate
  • Install via requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start the server: python app.py
  • API should be live at

Add project / deploy to Heroku

  • Make sure you have a Heroku account
  • Create a new Heroku project with
  • Get into the new (local) dir: cd call-for-audio
  • Log in to Heroku: heroku login -i
  • Add remote: heroku git:remote -a <HEROKU PROJECT NAME>
  • Push to Heroku: git push heroku master
  • More info at: https://stackabuse.com/deploying-a-flask-application-to-heroku/

Connecting to Twilio