
Diary Templates for VimWiki in Neovim

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Nvim Diary Template

Build Status Code style: black

Test repo for a plugin to generate a suitable template for a markdown diary (for me). This was mainly made to let me mess with various Python features, like the NeoVim API, poetry, mypy and more, there is a million and one simpler ways to achieve this. The README here currently mainly stands more to give myself a reminder where and how things are setup.


  • Google Calendar Integration:
    • Make a Diary entry, and have it auto-populated with todays events from GCal.
    • Any new events that are added, can be synced to GCal.
    • Deoplete source for calendar names to specify which calendar to be used.
    • TODO: Add rename and remove syntax, such that events can be removed or edited.
  • GitHub Issues Integration:
    • Use a Private repo on GitHub as an issue tracker, synced with your text diary. This is useful for ToDos, as well as keeping logs of how the todos are progressing.
    • Issues you make online and in-diary are synced, along with all comments.
    • Support for Github labels (including Deoplete source), including sorting by labels.
  • Diary outline generation:
    • Builds a diary file with metadata in and the defined headings.


The basic setup with GitHub and GCal integration

The diary file is auto-populated with the days Google Calendar events, as well as any open issues from the repo that the plugin is connected to. The issues are folded (twice, once for the issue itself, and once for each comment) and can be edited and uploaded back to GitHub. They may also be sorted depending on their urgency.


Install with vim-plug like so, as well as ensuring the python env used with Neovim has the required packages.

if has('nvim')
    Plug 'CrossR/nvim_diary_template', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins', 'for': 'markdown' }
    Plug 'CrossR/nvim_diary_template', { 'for': 'markdown' }
    Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'
    Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'


Add the following to your init.vim, which sets the location of your notes and the location of your config.

let g:nvim_diary_template#notes_path = "some/path/wiki/docs/"
let g:nvim_diary_template#config_path = "some/path/wiki/config/"

" If you don't want GCal or GitHub integration.
let g:nvim_diary_template#use_github_repo = 0
let g:nvim_diary_template#use_google_calendar = 0

Google Calendar and GitHub integration need a bit of manual work to get them setup, which is outlined below.


Generate an access token at Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens on GitHub. Put this generated token in your config folder, in a json file called github_credentials.json with the structure:

{"access_token": "XXX"}

Once this is added, add the following to your init.vim, to tell the plugin where your GitHub repo is:

let g:nvim_diary_template#repo_name = 'CrossR/nvim_diary_template'

Now, when generating a diary, all issues should be pulled in.


This requires a few things, so a script (generate_google_credentials.py) is included, to help produce the correct auth file.

First, generate a set of API keys on the Google API Dashboard. This is done by making a new project, then making a new set of credentials under "Credentials". After giving it any name, download the config file and rename it to client_secret.json, before running the included generate_google_credentials.py script on it, to make the final authentication file. This final credentials.json should then be put in your config folder.

Now, just add the following to your init.vim to configure the plugin to use Google Calendar:

" This sets the calendar the plugin will use, and must already exist.
let g:nvim_diary_template#google_cal_name = 'NVim Notes'

" This is an array that lets you ignore certain calendars.  It may be easiest
" to sync once, then check the calendar names from the cache file (in the config
" folder) to set this array.
let g:nvim_diary_template#calendar_filter_list = ['Holidays in United Kingdom']

Other options

The expected time zone for both issues and calendar events can be set with:

let g:nvim_diary_template#timezone = 'Europe/London'

The heading list (outside of Issues and Schedule), can be set with:

let g:nvim_diary_template#daily_headings = ["Notes", "Meetings"]

The issue sort order is based on the labels that a given issue has, as well as the completion state. The highest number for a given issue is used to sort it.

The issue.complete value is assigned to any completed issue.

Issues are sorted such that the lower the score, the higher it appears on the list. That is, with the default settings, completed issues are at the bottom and in progress issues are at the top.

let g:nvim_diary_template#sort_order = {
            \ "issue.complete": 10000,
            \ "backlog": 5000,
            \ "blocked": 1000,
            \ "default": 100,
            \ "inprogress": 0,
            \ }

The issue grouping (i.e. add a subheading under issues for certain issues, and "Other" for the remaining) can be set with the following

let g:nvim_diary_template#issue_groups = [['work', 'personal']]

Where this is a list of lists, for alternative sorting methods. Calling :DiarySwapGroupSorting will move to the next sorting style.