
Suspected indexing failure for records with large number of co-authors

gcabanac opened this issue · 0 comments

I am facing an issue with this query:çois-Xavier+Honda+Hitoshi+Fowler+Robert+A.+Lazar+Jennifer+Sloane+Shi+Genming+Wung+Peter+Patel+Naimish+Hagino+Owen&query.bibliographic=Sarilumab+in+patients+admitted+to+hospital+with+severe+or+critical+COVID-19+a+randomised+double-blind+placebo-controlled+phase+3+trial&select=DOI%2Ctitle&sort=score&order=desc&rows=100

It fails to match the expected record, which has 299 authors listed.
Similar queries looking for records with less authors based on byline and title information perform as expected.

I seems that the query.bibliographic field failed to be indexed properly, maybe because of exceeded capacity due to the large number of co-authors?

For another 2899-author record, a query with the exact title given in query.bibliographic fails to retrieve the expected record at the top of the result list (it is ranked #22). When removing the author hint, the expected record is not in the top 100 anymore.

Is there an issue with the indexing of records with large number of co-authors?

Thank you for the great service!