Documentation for Crossref's REST API. For questions or suggestions, see
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Missing abstracts in most formats
#584 opened by biertz - 1
- 3
Sporadic 504 Gateway Time-out
#572 opened by michael-newsrx - 0
Question about searching query only 'AND'
#583 opened by yerimoh - 2
- 0
Poor bibtex formatting
#581 opened by perrette - 1
documentation for `transform/application`
#579 opened by Koushikphy - 6
- 2
Add Anchor Headings for HTML version
#577 opened by jas58 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Select with exclusions
#568 opened by mmcclenn - 1
Access to keywords of papers
#569 opened by KiarashS - 0
Searching phrases
#567 opened by lmrodriguezr - 1
Mining citing articles
#560 opened by lbellmann - 2
`/works/{doi}` have started returning 'Resource not found.' for a lot of valid DOIs
#564 opened by vals - 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Unable to validate credentials
#563 opened by vjainhighwirepress - 7
- 3
Escaping commas when filtering - API
#558 opened by AkshayBhanawala - 3
Problems with family names containing spaces
#541 opened by edent - 4
api query with DOI not working
#543 opened by corrad82-4s - 0
Handling of alternative ISSN
#561 opened by rajgoel - 1
filter funder by location failed
#556 opened by jujukiller82 - 1
Why the use of cursor=* changes the relevance of the first retrieved records?
#557 opened by fabiobatalha - 1
Filter on created-date
#555 opened by priyam-maheshwari - 2
select=reference returns an empty list even when it isn't empty in the full listing
#553 opened by fergu - 0
- 2
Nullpointer exception at /works?
#552 opened by marquesarthur - 4
- 1
missing objects instead of `null`
#551 opened by maxheld83 - 1
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Type labels do not correspond to type-name values
#548 opened by weirdf0x - 1
New Julia package: Pitaya
#547 opened by naustica - 1
Connect timeouts and Read timeouts
#545 opened by michael-newsrx - 2
Question about Cited By
#539 opened by pvperez1 - 1
A typo in the readme
#540 opened by kencho51 - 2
Question, not about sexology...
#538 opened by user1718 - 1
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Female orgasm disorder. Anorgasmia
#532 opened by delcea - 0
Paraphilic disorders
#533 opened by delcea - 0
Evaluation, diagnostic and management of recidive to sexual infractors in the virtual media
#536 opened by delcea - 0
#534 opened by delcea - 0
Forensic Evaluations of Sexual Offenders
#535 opened by delcea - 0
Sex Therapy in the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
#530 opened by delcea - 0
Ejaculation disorders
#531 opened by delcea