
'Label' instead of 'ID' for facet 'type-name' - API

Closed this issue · 1 comments

A difference I saw in API response in facet.

While the documentation here says that 'type-name' facet will be 'ID', but instead it'll return 'label' values.

Facet name Maximum values Description
type-name * Work type name, such as journal-article or book-chapter

The given Facet URL will be enough to show it.*

it should be returning IDs like

  • journal-article
  • book-chapter

but it returns

  • Journal Article
  • Chapter

One more about the same stuff is, type-name 'Labels' in following URL,

not all match with labels in*

As one example look at Book Chapter in types list API endpoint
and try to look same in facet list for type-name.
in here, it'll be given as Chapter only.

Also in documentation it's written as book-chap instead of book-chapter

Just some small stuff..

Looks like a lot overlap with this issue. I've pasted your details there as well. We'll try to cover it as part of that issue.