
Project showcasing UI components for rendering an NFT wallet, built with TailwindCss

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Sample UI components for rendering an NFT wallet, built with TailwindCss


This page views are intended to reduce development time of a whitelabel wallet by providing a set of UI components.

Developers should:

  • Reuse and addapt this components to a frontend framework - like React, Angular or Vue
  • Deploy a backend to interact with the Crossmint Wallets API

How to preview

Run a local server from the working directory, using one of the following commands:

Using Python:

python3 -m http.server --cgi 8080

Using php:

php -S localhost:2222

Using npm:

// Globally install serve
npm i -g serve
// Run serve


├── README.md
├── account.html - _Page with account information_
├── assets
│   ├── ethereum-grey.svg
│   ├── logo.png
│   ├── polygon-grey.svg
│   └── solana-grey.svg
├── collection.html - _NFTs list view, with component to filter by chain_
├── nft.html - _NFTs detail view_
├── nftExport.html - _NFTs detail view, with export modal_
└── nftQR.html - _NFTs detail view, with QR modal_