Sample UI components for rendering an NFT wallet, built with TailwindCss
This page views are intended to reduce development time of a whitelabel wallet by providing a set of UI components.
Developers should:
- Reuse and addapt this components to a frontend framework - like React, Angular or Vue
- Deploy a backend to interact with the Crossmint Wallets API
Run a local server from the working directory, using one of the following commands:
Using Python:
python3 -m http.server --cgi 8080
Using php:
php -S localhost:2222
Using npm:
// Globally install serve
npm i -g serve
// Run serve
├── account.html - _Page with account information_
├── assets
│ ├── ethereum-grey.svg
│ ├── logo.png
│ ├── polygon-grey.svg
│ └── solana-grey.svg
├── collection.html - _NFTs list view, with component to filter by chain_
├── nft.html - _NFTs detail view_
├── nftExport.html - _NFTs detail view, with export modal_
└── nftQR.html - _NFTs detail view, with QR modal_