
A Symfony Project to create Entity Relationship Diagram

Primary LanguagePHP


PHPStan level

SmartERD is a Symfony project designed to create Entity Relationship Diagrams. These are used to have a model of the database while ignoring the RDBMS used.

Disclaimer: SmartERD is still under active development.


  1. If not already done, install Docker Compose
  2. Run docker compose build --pull --no-cache to build fresh images
  3. Run docker compose up -d to run the services
  4. Run docker compose exec php composer install -n to install Composer dependencies
  5. Run docker compose exec php bin/console app:setup to set up the app (do not use this command in production)
  6. Open the app in your favorite Web Browser.


Execute these commands to run tests:

  1. Execute steps 0 to 2 from the setup section.
  2. Run docker compose exec php make tests to set up the app in test environment

Known problems when developing

When working on Windows, WSL2 is necessary for SmartERD to be fast enough (go from ~4 seconds for an api call to 40ms). Sometimes there are some problems:

The command 'docker' could not be found in this WSL 2 distro.
We recommand to activate the WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings.

See https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/wsl/ for details.

Make sure your distro is set as default and use the version 2 of WSL. You can see this using the wsl --list --verbose command.

If the distro isn't default one, run this command:
wsl --set-default <distro-name> (for example Ubuntu-20.04)

If the distro isn't on version 2 of WSL:
wsl --set-version <distro-name> 2

Then be sure that Docker is configured this way: docker configuration

Then finally restart Docker from the taskbar using a right click.