
Snake - the game, made with Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I've decided to shelve this project for now. I don't think I will learn much more about Redux from finishing it, and it will take more work than it is worth. So I'm going to move on to something else. I definitely plan on finishing A snake game someday, whether it'll be this one or I'll start over with different tools.

Snake - The Game.

Built with JavaScript & Redux.

My main goals for this project are:

  1. to learn how to use Redux for state management, and:
  2. to develop the habit of writing unit tests as part of my workflow (I'm trying to do it at least mostly test-first)

User stories:

  • I open the page and see the empty game board, a title, and the start button
  • When I press the start button a snake appears on the game board, and starts moving
  • I can control the snake's direction with the left and right arrow keys
  • I can colllect mushrooms which appear on the board, and when I do my snake gets longer, and my score increases
  • If my snake runs into a wall or part of itself it dies, and the game ends
  • When the game ends I can am given an opportunity to enter a name, and if I do my score is displayed on a high score board with my score next to it