Store - Frontend

Check it out live!

This is half my final project for Limudai Chutz - Ashkelon's Full-Stack course.

It is intended to be a fully-functional, if basic, storefront. With user registration, (mock) payments, email notifications, etc. There is also an admin section, for the site operator to add, update, or delete users, products, and orders.


  • Vite, for running, testing (with Vitest), and building
  • React, and react-router-dom for site construction and navigation
  • ChakraUI, for component style and layout
  • and Axios, for communication with the server


  • Due to the war breaking out between Israel and Gaza, classes where cancelled for a month. In this time I continued working on the project on my own initiative. This was very challenging but, exciting at the same time. Unfortunately, once classes started up again it quickly became clear that the corriculum was heading in a very different direction. For the first few weeks I tried to refactor my codebase to allow me to stay current with the class without throwing out what I'd already done, but it was beyond my capacity. So I did a full restart using the example code provided by the teacher as a basis. This was very frustrating. I was tempted to just quit for a few days, but I stuck it out and even managed to merge some of my original work with the new structure.

    • Takeaway: personal initiative is good, but if you don't touch base with the team regularly it can lead to more work and effort in the long run.