Check out the latest version here!
- Vite
- Fuse.js
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
- I can make a new note
- I can delete individual notes
- The contents persist even after reloading or closing the page
- There is a max size for note titles and bodies
- I can delete all notes, but need to confirm before it will happen
- I can search notes by title and body contents
- I can sort notes by title (ABC), date (creation or target), and color
- The app fits well and looks good on any screen size ~
- dev: separate listener functions from component files, component files should just handle markup and styling
- change note storage to store each note individually?
- sort: have option to choose which color will be first when sorting by color?
- UI: allow editing note elements by double clicking on them in fullNote?
- x Hebrew/English UI toggle
- x dark/light theme
- BUG: target input date is displayed as mm/dd/yyyy on firefox on android and linux, displays appropriately on macos
- UX/BUG: make sure all elements have the same visual indication of tab focus
- UX: if new note form is closed while partially finished, save details
- UX: save details of last deleted note so it can be recovered
- standardize how styles are applied to elements, not just css/bootstrap classes, but - for example - how bootstrap classes are used to change border color on notes vs. the settings window
- standardize tabIndex behavior over all elements
- search: if I've added to the search bar until the results are empty, sometimes adding another character will again return a result (this has to do with Fuze.js' fuzzy search. It can probably sorted with the search options)
- UI: get the plus icon to be centered in all browsers has proven beyond my limited knowledge and patience for now, I've settled for good enought on the browsers I use most.
- UX: make sure it works identically in all browsers
- dates: Check dates work in different locales
fuse.js for fuzzy search
- Main Page
- Note
- Add Note, Form
- Search Bar
- Settings
- sort by select, with arrow toggle to switch between ascending and descending
title: string, // required
body: string, // required
target-date: date,
creation-date: date // required
color: string, // (5 options), required
id: string // hashed from Date.toString()
- When form is opened, find all elements with tabIndex >= 0
- then save them to array [{element: element, oldIndex: element.tabIndex}]
- forEach(element => element.index = -1)
- when form is closed, forEach(element => element.index = element.oldIndex)
when the newNote button is pressed:
- if form is closed: open it with a new, empty note
- if form is open, with a new note: close it
- if form is open, with an old note being edited: replace with new note
when the editNote button is pressed:
- if form is closed: open it with note details
- if form is open, and same note's button is pressed: close form
- if form is open, and a different note's button is pressed: repopulate form with new note details
- if form is open, and newNote button is pressed: replace note details with new note
when clicking any other element outside the form: close it
- if input date is less than current day + 1, reset to default on loss of focus
- provide a popup or other message informing user of the requirements
if currentYear > inputYear: reset all
if currentYear === inputYear && currentMonth > inputMonth: reset all
if currentYear === inputYear && currentMonth === inputMonth && currentDay > inputDay: reset all
else date is valid
create text object to hold all strings
make sure all text still fits
add language toggle to settings
options: en-us, he
check for langPref on startup, if none found: fallback to browser default
when a language is chosen, pass the apropriate language object to all elements
check search
make xbutton responsive to direction change
fix full-note-bg position for rtl
fix TS errors in l10n.ts
fix colors and sortMethods for hebrew. langPrefStored called before initialization?
fix sort in hebrew. just not working
implement language toggle
save language preference on page close?
language toggle should always point in the direction of the current language
add function to reset all text content
language toggle background-color and color shouldn't change
show required-field-message in hebrew?