
A setup for using hydra and pytorch lightning.

Primary LanguagePython


1. Conda environment

Create a conda environment for the project via

make venv # will create a cpu environment
# NOTE: This will simply call
#  conda env create --prefix=./venv -f requirements/env.yml

# For a gpu environment call
#  make name=venv_gpu sys=gpu venv
#  conda activate ./venv_gpu

# For a Mac m1 environment call
#  make name=venv sys=m1 venv
#  conda activate ./venv

# To activate the environment, use:
conda activate ./venv

2. Environment variables

Set environemnt variables for you system in a .env file at the project directory (same as this readme.)

Experiment logging with wandb

To log to wandb, you will first need to log in. To do so, simply install wandb via pip with pip install wandb and call wandb login from the commandline.

If you are already logged in and need to relogin for some reason, use wandb login --relogin.

Training a model with pytorch lightning and logging on wandb

To run a model simply use

python src/train.py run_name=<YOUR_RUN_NAME>

To use parameters that are different from the default parameters in src/configs/config.yaml you can simply provide them in the command line call. For example:

python src/train.py run_name=<YOUR_RUN_NAME> epochs=100

To configure extra things such as logging, use

# For running at DEBUG logging level:
#  (c.f. https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/basic/running_your_app/logging/ )
## Activating debug log level only for loggers named `__main__` and `hydra`
python src/train.py 'hydra.verbose=[__main__, hydra]'
## Activating debug log level for all loggers
python src/train.py hydra.verbose=true

## Print only the job config, then return without running
python src/train.py --cfg job

python src/train.py --help