
Demo on a intro lecture explaining Separation of Concerns and Single-responsibility Principle

Primary LanguagePython

Lecture Overview: Understanding OOP Design with a Hangman Game


This lecture aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles through a practical demonstration by developing a Hangman game. By applying theoretical concepts to a concrete project, participants will gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of how OOP principles can be utilized to create robust, maintainable, and scalable software.


  1. Understand Core OOP Principles: Introduce and explain the five key OOP principles—Encapsulation, Abstraction, Separation of Concerns, Single Responsibility Principle, and Modularity.
  2. See OOP in Action: Apply these principles in real-time by developing a Hangman game, demonstrating how each principle influences the design and implementation of the software.
  3. Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Enhance participants' ability to think in terms of objects, with a focus on how to break down a problem into manageable parts using OOP.
  4. Encourage Best Practices: Instill best practices in software development by emphasizing the importance of clean, organized, and testable code.

Lecture Structure

Part 1: Introduction to OOP

  • Brief discussion on the evolution of programming paradigms leading to OOP.
  • Definitions and detailed explanations of the five key OOP principles.

Part 2: Setup and Project Overview

  • Overview of the tools and environment setup for developing the Hangman game.
  • Introduction to the project structure and the roles of different classes (Game and UserInterface).

Part 3: Deep Dive into OOP with Hangman Game

  • Step-by-step development of the Hangman game:
    • Game Class Development: Focus on Encapsulation and SRP by implementing game logic.
    • UserInterface Class Development: Illustrate Abstraction and Separation of Concerns with user interaction handling.
  • Discussion on how Modularity facilitates future enhancements and testing.

Expected Outcomes

At the end of this lecture, participants should be able to:

  • Articulate the key principles of OOP and their benefits in software development.
  • Apply OOP concepts to any software development project effectively.
  • Think critically about software design and how to structure code in an object-oriented manner.
  • Feel confident in exploring more complex OOP projects and continuing their learning journey in advanced programming concepts.


This lecture is designed not only to teach the theoretical aspects of Object-Oriented Programming but also to demonstrate these principles in action through a tangible project. Participants will leave with both the knowledge and practical experience needed to implement OOP concepts in their future projects.