#Contact List ###By Stewart Cole 7/1/2016


Assuming you are running on windows and you have mono and nancy installed. (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/windows/) Clone the repository at (https://github.com/CrucialGier/csharp-week1review-ContactList.git) using the command git clone Enter the files directory using the console and enter dnu restore and then dnx kestrel Visit localhost:5004 in your web browser.


Each contact should have info containing their Name, PhoneNumber and Address. Example: Judy { Judy, Foster / (123) 456-7890 / 123 Oak street }

All Contacts should be saved into a list so they can be viewed in an All Contacts page. Example: Click "View All Contacts";

        Kevin Rogers,
          Phone: (012) 345-6789,
          Address: 456 Pine Ave

        Judy Foster,
          Phone: (123) 456-7890,
          Address: 123 Oak Street

An AddContact meathod to add contacts to the ContactList. Example: ContactList = {(Kevin, Phone, Address)}; Click "Add Contact" => Fill out Form (Judy, Phone, Address); ContactList = {(Kevin, Phone Address), (Judy, Phone, Address)};

A ClearContacts meathod to remove all contacts from ContactList. Example: ContactList = {(Kevin, Phone Address), (Judy, Phone, Address)}; Click "Clear All Contacts"; ContactList = {};

[EXTRA] A RemoveContact meathod to remove contacts from the ContactList. Example: ContactList = {(Kevin, Phone Address), (Judy, Phone, Address)}; Click "Remove Contact" on contact Judy; ContactList = {(Kevin, Phone, Address)};

##Known Bugs

None at the moment

##Technologies Used

Atom C# Html Nancy Razor


Stewart Cole copyright(c) 7/1/2016