#Word Finder ###By Stewart Cole 7/1/2016


Assuming you are running on windows and you have mono and nancy installed. (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/getting-started/install/windows/) Clone the repository at (https://github.com/CrucialGier/csharp_review2_word-finder.git) using the command git clone Enter the files directory using the console and enter dnu restore and then dnx kestrel Visit localhost:5004 in your web browser.


  • It can find all instances of a provided word in a provided sentence.
    • Input: User enters Word "shut", and Phrase "Shut it down. Shut it down forever!";
    • Output: Webpage returns "Your word appears 2 time(s) int this phrase";

##Known Bugs

None at the moment

##Technologies Used

Atom C# Html Nancy Razor


Stewart Cole copyright(c) 7/8/2016