
some jsPsych demos using jspsychr

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These are examples of using jspsychr to write and run jspsych experiments.

Flanker demo

See the flanker folder for the code, see the experiment demo here:


Stroop demo

This is is the default template that is loaded by jspsychr. See the folder for the code, and the experiment demo is here:


Stroop multiple response

Uses a custom plugin to allow multiple key presses on each trial.



Demo for using google's firebase as an external database to save the data from an online experiment. Some instructions for this demo are here: https://crumplab.github.io/jspsychrexamples/FirebaseDemo/Instructions_FirebaseDemo.html

Recognition Memory

Demo and tutorial walkthrough for building a recognition memory experiment. See the walkthrough here: https://crumplab.github.io/jspsychrexamples/RecognitionMemory/RecognitionMemory.html

View the demo experiment here: https://crumplab.github.io/jspsychrexamples/RecognitionMemory/experiment/index.html