
An implementation of a classic Rubik's cube in Unity3D (2019.1.1f1 to be precise). I've tried to keep everything short, simple and modular (well, as best as I could considering I did it in a week and have a full-time job).

Post-deadline/optional work will be added to separate branches.


The gameplay itself is contained in two classes: MagicCube and GameManager. GameManager is responsible for doing most of the underlying interactions betweens systems (namely the Input Handling and the In-game UI). MagicCube focuses on calculating how to rotate the cube, generate a new game from a set of prefabs and a given size, what configuration counts as a victory and serializing most of the game state (in that particular case, MagicCube handles serializing the cube itself, while game manager serializes other game data such as the current timer).

The PerSessionData static class contains information that will be passed around scenes. It merely contains data relevant to the current game session that cannot be considered to belong to any particular class.

Future work

  • Some cube rotation methods were half-hardcoded due to lack of time but I'm confident it's quite possible to remove some 50 lines of code and replace them with pure math.
  • Checking for victory requires going through every possible rotation axis along a single pivot and seeing if the local rotation of each cube is properly lined up. While this isn't quite a demanding operation, I'm sure there are smarter ways to accomplish the same result.

External libraries

Most of the game was coded from scratch, including the cube models. However, the following extras were used:

  • My own (slightly changed) Unity boilerplate found here.
  • A few menu icons and a font from the ever-wonderful Kenney.

Other notes

  • Whenever rotations are being carried over between methods, the RubikCubeRotation data structure is intentionally used instead of conventional vectors and/or quaternions. This is to avoid rounding errors and having improper rotations being passed around (to put it succinctly, I wanted harsher type checking for cube rotations).
  • Liberal use was made of #pragma warning disable 649 to try and not get warnings for every single inspector parameter.