
Introduces the use of BufferedImage in the Java2D API.

Primary LanguageJava


Introduces the use of BufferedImage in the Java2D API

Creates an Animation JPanel that contains multiple images. Images are then transformed depending on the frame of the Animation panel.

Note: The "CMSC325Week4Templates" folder contains the java files I was supplied to be used as a template. The result being the "Java2D_Animation" project. Additionally, this program is an almost identical copy of "CMSC-405-Project-1". However, this is what was assigned for the class.

This project was assigned while attending University of Maryland University College (UMUC)

Game Design and Development

CMSC 325

A project-driven study of the theory and practice of game design and development. The aim is to build realistic graphical 3-D worlds, animate characters, and add special effects to games. Discussion covers critical mathematical concepts and real-time game physics. Projects include collaborative development of interactive games.