The present repository contains the Python codes that were developed to solve the Neutron Point Kinetics Equations (NPKE), using the Laplace transform and the Heaviside's Theorem. This solution was reported in the paper A New Simplified Analytical Solution to Solve the Neutron Point Kinetics Equations Using the Laplace Transform Method, publised in the journal Computer Physics Communications. That work can be found in the following link.
The programs are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License:
Authors: Carlos-Antonio Cruz-López (, Gilberto Espinosa-Paredes (
Mathematical and algorithmical generalities of the codes are described in the following lines with the purpose to provide some insight of the developed work. Nevertheless, a more detailed discussion is provided in the submitted article.
The AnalyticNPKE codes were written in the Python programming language in its version 3. The codes require the following libraries:
- itertools
- numpy
- math
The itertools and the math libraries are usually included in the installation of the Python 3. Nevertheless, the numpy library needs to be installed because it is not a native library. We suggest tu use the Anaconda distribuitor in order to carry out the installation in a straighforward way. Such distribuitor can be consulted here.
The authors appreciate the financial support received from the Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología (CONAHCYT), under the program Estancias Posdoctorales por México, 2022, with the project entitled: Desarrollo de modelos fenomenológicos energéticos de orden fraccional, para la optimización y simulación en reactores nucleares de potencia, by which the present development was possible.
- Mathematical description of the problem.
- Laplace transform of the system.
- Analytical Solutions.
- Simplification of the Polynomials.
- Algorithmical Implementation.
- References
The Neutron Point Kinetic Equations with
After appliying the Laplace transform on both sides of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), and manipuling the resultant expression, the following equations is obtained for the neutron density:
One of the main novelties of the analytical solution developed in the mentioned paper consists of writting the last expressions as:
The Laplace transform system given in Eq.(8) can be solved using the Heaviside's Theorem Expansion (Arfken et al., 2013, p. 1045), which states that:
Theorem 1: For two polynomials
$L(s)$ and$M(s)$ , where the degree of$L(s)$ is less than the degree of$M(s)$ , it follows that:$$\frac{L\left(s\right)}{M(s)}=\sum_{i}\frac{L\left(m_i\right)}{M\prime(m_i)}\frac{1}{s-m_i} \tag{11}$$ where$m_i$ denotes the roots of$M(s)$ and$M'(s)= dM(s)/ds$ .
Using the last theorem, the analytical solutions of the neutron density is given by:
As it can be observed, the solutions are expressed as a linear combination of the exponential functions.
One of the most important contribution of our work (Cruz-López et al., 2023) consists of simplifying the Polynomials given in Eq. (9) and Eq. (10), using Theory of Equations instead of a Matrix Approach, as other authors did. After a new procedure using the Viéte's formula (Vinberg, 2003), it is possible to rewrite the polynomials as:
as well as:
The first step in the algorithmical implementation consists of building a code for the sum
which can be understood as the sum of all combinations of two elements of the set
# Function S_(m,n)
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
def Suma (m, L):
s = 0
for k in list(combinations(L,m)): #Builds the combinations of the set of the Lambda constants
s = #Carries out the product of the combinations.
return round(s,8)
As it can be observed, the sums given in Eq. (18) have an important restriction in each sum, which implies a disadvantages in terms of the execution's time. We developed an elementary way to improve this step, defining a new set of elements where the one that is given in the
Once that such element was removed, it is possible to define a new set of index as follows:
Finally, instead of using the Eq. (18), it is possible to apply the Eq. (17) to the set
# Function S_(i,m,n)
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
def Suma_(i,m, L):
L_i=L[:] #Creates a copy of the list where the decay lambdas are storage.
L_i.remove(L[i]) #Removes the decay lambda in the i-position
for k in list(combinations(L_i,m)): #Builds the combinations of the set of the Lambda constants
s = #Carries out the product of the combinations.
return round(s,8)
The implementation of the Polynomials is given in the functions Polyn_coeff_P, Polyn_Coeff_H, and Polyn_coeff_Q, which require the following arguments:
$\leftarrow \set{\Omega, \mathcal{P}, \mathcal{P}^\prime,\rho,\mathcal{B},\Lambda}$ Polyn_Coeff_H
$\leftarrow\set{\Omega,\mathcal{H},\rho,\mathcal{B},\Lambda,\left[C_1(0),C_2(0),\ldots,C_n(0)\right]}$ Polyn_Coeff_Q
$\leftarrow \set{\Omega,\mathcal{Q},\rho,\mathcal{B}}$
$\Omega=\set{\lambda_{1}\lambda_{2},\ldots,\lambda{n}},$ is the set that contains all the decay constants of the precursors of the delayed neutrons, which is denoted by L in the Python's code. -
$\mathcal{P}$ is a list (or vector) whose elements are the coefficients of the$P(s)$ polynomial given in Eq. (14), which is denoted by the C_P variable in the codes. -
$\mathcal{P}^\prime$ is a list (or vector) that contains the coefficients of the derivative of$P(s)$ , given in Eq. (14), that is represented by C_P_d. -
$\rho$ is the reactivity, which is considered as constant and it is represented by rho. -
$\mathcal{B}$ is a list (or vector) whose elements are the fractions$\beta_{k},1\leq k \leq K$ , of the precursors of the delayed neutrons. This is denoted by the variable Betas in the code. -
$\Lambda$ has the meaning described in Section 2, and it is given by the l variable. -
$\mathcal{H}$ is a list (or vector) whose elements are the coefficients of the$H(s)$ polynomial given in Eq. (15), and it is denoted by C_H. -
$[C_1(0),C_2(0),\ldots,C_n(0)]$ is a vector whose entries are the initial conditions of the groups of precursors of delayed neutrons. Such vector is denoted in the code as C_init. -
$Q(s)$ is a list (or vector) whose elements are the coefficients of the polynomial given in Eq. (9), which is given by C_q in the code.
The following three codes computes the coefficients of the polynomials that are used in the analytical solution.
As it was mentioned in Section 5.3, this code admits as inputs the decay constants and the
# Function Polyn_coeff_P(L,C_P,C_P_d, rho,Betas,l)
import numpy as np
def Polyn_coeff_P(L,C_P, C_P_d, rho, Betas,l): #The function returns two vectors with the coefficients of C_p and C_p_d
s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 #Variables used for sums
bet_tot = np.sum(np.array(Betas)) #β
u = (rho-bet_tot)/l #u = (ρ − β) /l
C_P.append(1) # Coefficient of x^(K+1)
C_P.append(Suma(1,L)-u) # Coefficient of x^K
for i in range(len(L)):
s_1 = s_1 + L[i] ∗ Betas[i]
C_P.append(Suma(2,L)-u*Suma(1,L)-(1/l)*s_1) #Coefficient of x^(K−1)
for i in range(3,len(L)+1):
s_5 = 0
for j in range(len(L)):
s_5 = s_5 + L[j]*Betas[j]*Suma_i(j,i − 2, L)
C_P.append(Suma(i,L)-u*Suma(i-1,L)-(1/l)*s_5) #Coefficients of x^(K−2),..., x^1
for i in range(len(L)):
s_3 = s_3 + L[i]*Betas[i]*Suma_i(i,len(L) − 1, L)
C_P.append(-u*Suma(len(L),L)-(1/l)*s_3) #Constant coefficient
for k in range(len(C_P)-1):
C_P_d.append(C_P[k]*(len(L)+1-k)) #Coefficients of dP(x)/dx
This code generates the coefficients of the
-The Polyn_coeff_H is the only code related to the polynomials that requieres the use of initial conditions. It will be very important for cases with non-constant reactivities, as it will be discussed in Section 6.2.
def Polyn_coeff_H(L, C_H, rho, Betas, l, C_init): #Functions that returns the coefficients of the polynomial H given in Eq. (15)
bet_tot = np.sum(np.array(Betas)) #β
u = (rho-bet_tot)/l #u = (ρ − β) /l
s,a = 0, 1
for i in range(len(C_init)):
a = L[i] ∗ C_init[i] #Product of lambda by the initial conditions of C_i(t)
s = s + a
C_H.append(s) # Coefficient of x^k
for j in range(2,len(L)+1):
b = 0
for i in range(len(L)):
b = b + L[i] ∗ C_init[i] ∗ Suma_i(i,j − 1, L)
This code provides the coefficients of the
def Polyn_coeff_Q(L, C_q,rho,Betas,l): #Functions that returns the coefficients of the polynomial H given in Eq. (16)
bet_tot = np.sum(np.array(Betas)) #β
u = (rho-bet_tot)/l #u = (ρ − β) /l
C_q.append(1) #First coefficient of Q(s) equals to 1
for j in range(len(L)):
Since the analytical solution requires the evaluation of the polynomials, it is necessary to introduce a brief routine that carries-out this procedure. This routine requires the coefficients of the polynomial as well as the real number where they will be evaluated. The following code contains this function:
def Polynomial_evaluation(Coefficients, value): #Function that evaluates the polynomials.
a =0
for i in range(len(Coefficients)):
a = a+Coefficients[i]*(value**(len(Coefficients)-1-i))
A flow diagram of the dependence of the codes is provided in the following image. It is worth mentioning that this scheme does not show the discretization method described in Section 6.2
The code AnalyticNPKE-Insertion solves the system given in Eq. (13) and Eq. (14) including all the past Codes, as well as a routine that integrates them. It is provided in the text files of the present repository.
The code only can be used for cases with constant reactivities. For linear-time reactivities see the code.
In the present example, the AnalyticNPKE-Insertion code will be used to reproduce part of the data reported by Nahla (2010, p. 1626). For such scenario the input parameters are the following:
Nuclear parameter | Value ( |
Nuclear parameter | Value |
0.0127 | 0.000285 | ||
0.0317 | 0.0015975 | ||
0.115 | 0.00141 | ||
0.311 | 0.0030525 | ||
1.40 | 0.00096 | ||
3.87 | 0.000195 |
CLICK HERE to expand the input of the application of the
#***********************Input Parameters ********************************
# L = list with lambda constants
# Betas = list with fractions of the precursors
# Lambda_m is the prompt neutron generation time
# Beta_total is computed by default
# Reactivity can be expressed in dollars or numerically
L=[0.0127, 0.0317, 0.115, 0.311,1.40, 3.87]
Betas = [0.000285,0.0015975,0.00141,0.0030525,0.00096,0.000195]
Beta_total = sum(Betas) #This line does not require modifications
rho = -Beta_total #Reactivity expressed in dollars
time = 10
#********************* Initial conditions ******************************
# n_0= neutron density at t=0
# C_init = list with the initial conditions for the precursors
C_init = [ ]
#************* Initial conditions given by n(0)b_k/(Lambda_m*lambda_k)
for k in range(len(Betas)):
Neutron density: 0.23611064482555608
which coincides in the first seven digits with the data reported by Nahla (2010, p. 8).
The initial conditions for the concentration of the precursors can be modified by hand, instead of using a loop. It is only necessary to modify the following lines in the code:
C_init = [ ] #In this part it is necessary to introduce the particular initial conditions
as well as ignore the following lines:
#************* Initial conditions given by n(0)b_k/(Lambda_m*lambda_k)
for k in range(len(Betas)):
Even when the analytical solution was developed assuming a constant reactivity, it also can be used when the reactivity is a linear function of time, i.e.,
where the lower and upper times are defined as:
- Since the polynomials depends on the reactivity, they must to be updated in each step.
- It is necessary to solve the equations related to the precursors because the vector
$C=[C_1(0),C_2(0),...,C_m(0)]$ is required in each time step.- The solution is provided as a vector who contains, not only the Target time, but also the solution for each time step.
The will be used to reproduce data reported by Nahla (2010, p. 9), For such scenario the input parameters are the following:
Nuclear parameter | Value ( |
Nuclear parameter | Value |
0.0127 | 0.000266 | ||
0.0317 | 0.001491 | ||
0.115 | 0.001316 | ||
0.311 | 0.002849 | ||
1.40 | 0.000896 | ||
3.87 | 0.000182 |
We concluded that an adequate time step is given by
The corresponding input and outputs are given in the following sections:
CLICK HERE to expand the input of the application of
#***********************Input Parameters ********************************
# L = list with lambda constants
# Betas = list with fractions of the precursors
# Lambda_m is the prompt neutron generation time
# Beta_total is computed by default
# Reactivity can be expressed in dollars or numerically
#Gamma slope of the linear reactivity expressed in dollars
L=[0.0127, 0.0317, 0.115, 0.311,1.40, 3.87]
Betas = [0.000266,0.001491,0.001316,0.002849,0.000896,0.000182]
gamma = 0.1
#********************* Initial conditions *******************************
# n_0= neutron density at t=0
# C_init = list with the initial conditions for the precursors
#************* Initial conditions given by n(0)b_k/(Lambda_m*lambda_k)
for k in range(len(Betas)):
#********************* Discretization Input ******************************
Target = 2 # Target is the desired time
step = 0.001 # Recommended value
Two outputs are generated. The first one is provided by the Python's shell, where the time and the neutron density are printed. The second output is given as a txt file whose name is "solutions_final", and which is generated in the same folder where the code is saved.
CLICK HERE to expand the Output of the application of
Only the last 30 values are showed by brevity. But the Python's shell prints all the results.
1.97 1.330516908276276
1.971 1.3307711779807945
1.972 1.3310255646844884
1.973 1.331280068451131
1.974 1.3315346893445346
1.975 1.3317894274285604
1.976 1.3320442827671142
1.977 1.3322992554241664
1.978 1.3325543454637243
1.979 1.3328095529498534
1.98 1.3330648779466536
1.981 1.3333203205182909
1.982 1.3335758807289764
1.983 1.3338315586429637
1.984 1.3340873543245553
1.985 1.334343267838108
1.986 1.3345992992480376
1.987 1.334855448618793
1.988 1.3351117160148882
1.989 1.335368101500862
1.99 1.3356246051413316
1.991 1.3358812270009428
1.992 1.336137967144411
1.993 1.336394825636477
1.994 1.3366518025419405
1.995 1.3369088979256796
1.996 1.3371661118525853
1.997 1.3374234443876065
1.998 1.3376808955957533
1.999 1.3379384655420707
2.0 1.3381961542916707
Unlike the Python's shell that only contains the results for the neutron density, the "Solutions_final.txt" contains the solution of the precursors of the delayed neutrons. An example of such file can be reviewed in the following link: Example of an output file
The analytic solution can also be applied to non-linear cases where the reactivity depends on the neutro nensity
As an example of application, the code will be used to reproduce data that is reported by Nahla (2010, p. 1626). For such task the following data will be used:
Nuclear parameter | Value ( |
Nuclear parameter | Value |
0.0124 | 0.00021 | ||
0.0305 | 0.00141 | ||
0.111 | 0.00127 | ||
0.301 | 0.00255 | ||
1.13 | 0.00074 | ||
3.0 | 0.00027 |
CLICK HERE to expand the input of the application of
#***********************Input Parameters ********************************
# L = list with lambda constants
# Betas = list with fractions of the precursors
# Lambda_m is the prompt neutron generation time
# Beta_total is computed by default
# a, b, parameters related to the Feedback reactivity
L=[0.0124, 0.0305, 0.111, 0.301, 1.13, 3]
Betas = [0.00021, 0.00141, 0.00127, 0.00255, 0.00074, 0.00027]
a = 0.01
b = 10**(-11)
#********************* Initial conditions *******************************
# n_0= neutron density at t=0
# C_init = list with the initial conditions for the precursors
#************* Initial conditions given by n(0)b_k/(Lambda_m*lambda_k)
for k in range(len(Betas)):
#********************* Discretization Input ******************************
Target = 2 # Target is the desired time
step = 0.001 # Recommended value
As in the case of, there are two outputs. The one provided by the Python's shell where is given the maximum of the neutron density (also called "peak of the neutron density"), as well as the time where it is reached and the corresponding concentration of the precursors of the delayed neutrons. The second one consists of a ".txt" file where all the computed points are contained.
Neutron peak: 20119823293.181976
Time of the peak: 1.106
Concentration of the precursors related to the neutron density peak
[1996512972.7807598, 13401179130.68308, 12054651574.611992, 24129095447.662556, 6908405306.398891, 2446315046.9759207]
which coincides with the one reported by Nahla (2010, p. 1626).
The "Solutions_feedback_final.txt" contains the solution of the precursors of the delayed neutrons for each step of calculation. An example of such file can be reviewed in the following link: Example of an output file
- Arfken, G. B., Weber, H. J., Harris, F. E. 2013. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Seventh Edition, p. 1045.
- Cruz-López, C.-A., Espinosa-Paredes, G., François, J.-L. 2023. A New Simplified Analytical Solution to Solve the Neutron Point Kinetics Equations Using the Laplace Transform Method. Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 238, 108564
- Duderstadt, J. J., Hamilton, L. J. 1976. Nuclear Reactor Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Lewins, J. 1978. Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control. Pergamon Press.
- Nahla, A. A. 2010. Analytical Solution to Solve the Point Rector Kinetic Equations. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240, 1622-1629.
- Vinberg, E. B. 2003. A Course in Algebra. Graduated Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 56. American Mathematical Society. Providence, Rhode Island.