
An auto splitter for Lunistice for LiveSplit One's auto splitting runtime.

Primary LanguageRust

Lunistice Auto Splitter

An auto splitter for Lunistice.


This auto splitter is written in Rust. In order to compile it, you need to install the Rust compiler: Install Rust.

Afterwards install the WebAssembly target:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

The auto splitter can now be compiled:

cargo build --release

The auto splitter is then available at:


Make sure too look into the API documentation for the asr crate.


You can use the debugger while developing the auto splitter to more easily see the log messages, statistics, dump memory, step through the code and more.

The repository comes with preconfigured Visual Studio Code tasks. During development it is recommended to use the Debug Auto Splitter launch action to run the asr-debugger. You need to install the CodeLLDB extension to run it.

You can install the cargo watch subcommand and run the Watch stable task for it to automatically build when you save your changes.

The debugger is able to step through the code. You can set breakpoints in VSCode and it should stop there when the breakpoint is hit. Inspecting variables may not work all the time.