
A C++ library for fast calculation of deficiency number (a.k.a. shanten number, 向聴数)

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Nyanten is a C++ library for fast calculation of deficiency number (a.k.a. shanten number, 向聴数).

Typical Usage

#include <nyanten/calculator.hpp>

int main()
  std::vector<unsigned> hand;
  // Set the count of each tile to `hand`.
  Nyanten::Calculator calculator("PATH/TO/map.bin");
  unsigned const deficiency_number = calculator(hand);


explicit Nyanten::Calculator::Calculator(std::filesystem::path const &path)

Construct an instance of the class Nyanten::Calculator. The argument path must be a path to the map.bin file.

Nyanten::Calculator::Calculator(Calculator const &) noexcept

The copy constructor.

Nyanten::Calculator::Calculator(Calculator &&) noexcept

The move constructor.

void Nyanten::Calculator::swap(Calculator &rhs) noexcept

Swap the object states between *this and rhs.

void Nyanten::swap(Nyanten::Calculator &lhs, Nyanten::Calculator &rhs) noexcept

Call lhs.swap(rhs).

Nyanten::Calculator &operator=(Nyanten::Calculator const &) noexcept

The copy assignment operator.

Nyanten::Calculator &operator=(Nyanten::Calculator &&) noexcept

The move assignment operator.

template<typename ForwardIterator>
std::uint_fast8_t Nyanten::Calculator::operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) noexcept


  • std::distance(first, last) == 34
  • For every iter in the range [first, last), 0 <= *iter and *iter <= 4
  • The sum of the numbers in the range [first, last) is less or equal to 14.
  • The sum of the numbers in the range [first, last) is congruent to 1 or 2 modulo 3.


Calculate the replacement number, which is equal to the deficiency number (a.k.a. Shanten number, 向聴数) plus one. The hand is represented by the range [first, last). Each element of the range corresponds to the count of each tile type. If there are melds (副露), the count must exclude the melded tiles. The correspondence between the element indices of the range and the tile types is as shown in the table below.

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tile 🀇 (1m) 🀈 (2m) 🀉 (3m) 🀊 (4m) 🀋 (5m) 🀌 (6m) 🀍 (7m) 🀎 (8m) 🀏 (9m)
Index 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Tile 🀙 (1p) 🀚 (2p) 🀛 (3p) 🀜 (4p) 🀝 (5p) 🀞 (6p) 🀟 (7p) 🀠 (8p) 🀡 (9p)
Index 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Tile 🀐 (1s) 🀑 (2s) 🀒 (3s) 🀓 (4s) 🀔 (5s) 🀕 (6s) 🀖 (7s) 🀗 (8s) 🀘 (9s)
Index 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Tile 🀀 (E) 🀁 (S) 🀂 (W) 🀃 (N) 🀆 (White) 🀅 (Green) 🀄 (Red)

template<typename ForwardRange>
std::uint_fast8_t Nyanten::Calculator::operator()(ForwardRange const &r) const

Call (*this)(std::cbegin(r), std::cend(r)).