- This is Password Managament Tool Created And Developed By Eslam Mohamed Elabd Under MIT License .
- Repo : github/pass-hero
- npm-package : npm/pass-hero
- This Tool Made To Store and Search and List and Delete Credentials (account,password,alias) as Encrypted Credentials in Encrypted File and Need Encryption Key File To Decrypt and Encrypt it .
- This Tool Written in pure and native node modules doesn,t have any Dependencies Except
for just development purpose.
npm i passhero -g
- in Terminal
[+] Usage :
passhero --pass myencryptedpasswordfile --key myencryption&decryptionkey
--pass or -p : should followed with the encypted passwords or credentials file name
--key or -k : should followed with the crypto key to encrypt and decrypt encrypted passwords or credentials
[if the file after --pass or --key not exists there is a new key or pass file will be generated .
crypto@passhero:~/passherotest$ passhero --pass passwordfile --key mynewkey
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Password Manager for Createing Complex Passwords and Store it Encrypted With one file , and You can Retrieve it also with this utility scurely
Created By Eslam Mohamed Moawed , Member @Divzoon.com
repo: https://github.com/Crypt00o/pass-hero
[+] Secret Key Generated as : mynewkey
[+] Session Started For Help Use : help
Pass-Hero >
command structure :
option account='somevalue' password='somevalue' length='somevalue' alias='somevalue'
create : for createing encrypted credentials with passwords ,password can be set manually or it will be random complex password search : for search in encrypted passwords with data as parameters you can search with password or account or alias ,or all of this combained update : for update encrypted Credentials with old data as parameters and new data as setparameters delete : for delete from encrypted passwords with data as parameters you can search with list : for read and list all encrypted passwords from spefic enctypted passwords file maded By This Pass-Hero help : for showing This Help exit : for Exiting This session
click here to see full-usage gif
- Assume It Like SQL , i mean adding more spefic prams data will help you determine more spefic result while searching or deleteing
you can use or not use params with this option like : password,alias,account,length . (length for password length if you want random complex password with spefic length default for random pass is 64)
create alias='google' account='account@gmail.com'
you must use params with any of password,alias,account When You Determine more params You Get More Determined Results.
this will show all passwords & accounts which it,s alias value is google :
search alias='google'
this will show any account,passwords which it,s alias value is google and account value is me@example.com :
search alias='google' account='me@example.com'
- you must use params with any of password,alias,account When You Determine more params You Get More Determined Results To Delete.
- this will delete all passwords & accounts which it,s alias value is google :
delete alias='google'
- this will delete any account,passwords which it,s alias value is google and account value is me@example.com :
delete alias='google' account='me@example.com'
you must use params and setparams with any password,alias,account as params and setpassword,setalias,setaccount as setparams.
this will update account with new value where account has value example@gmail.com and alias has value google
update account='example@gmail.com' alias='google' setaccount='eslam@gmail.com'
this will update password for any alias has value of 'noone'
update alias='noone' setpassword='mynewpassword'
this command doesn,t require any parameters , this will list and read all encrypted passwords from spefic Pass-Hero file
- this will exit Pass-Hero Session