
MIT License

A web interface for MiniMessage.

You can access it here:


This project contains a developer API which can be used to create a simple "editor" system. This system allows you to post a MiniMessage string to the server and provides a token which an end user can use to edit the string. The result can easily be saved back again, allowing for a smooth editing experience.

For more information, see the wiki.


To run the server, type ./gradlew run -PisDevelopment. This will create a server running at http://localhost:8080.

For production usage, simply remove the development flag from the run task. Alternatively, the distribution tasks (for example, distTar) can be used to create or install archives that contain scripts to run the server. A Docker image is published at, or for local builds using ./gradlew jibBuildTar (or ./gradlew jibDockerBuild to push it to your local docker instance)


We appreciate contributions of any type. For any new features or typo-fix/style changes, please open an issue or come talk to us in our Discord first, so we make sure you're going in the right direction for the project.


This project is based on MiniDigger's MiniMessageViewer.

The font used can be found here.