
Single-file C99 header library for controlling Light-O-Rama hardware

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A C99 single-file header library for controlling Light-O-Rama hardware in under 500 LOC. This is a more portable, but less powerful version of my liblorproto library intended for use where you "just" want to control lights.


tinylor.h follows the single-header pattern. To use, include tinylor.h in your project and define TINYLOR_IMPL exactly once in a C source file of your choice. More information on using single-header libraries.

#include "tinylor.h"

For specific usage details of the C API, see the pre-compiled tinylor.h or visit the Doxygen documentation.


  1. git clone https://github.com/Cryptkeeper/libtinylor
  2. cd libtinylor
  3. cmake -Bbuild
  4. cmake --build build

A static library artifact is available as build/libtinylor.a, and the generated single-header file is available as build/tinylor.h.


Basic test coverage is provided by tinylor_test.c. If you have already built the project using CMake, you can execute the tests by entering the build directory and executing ctest ..


Several usage examples are included in examples.c.