- 0
I tried alot but couldn't compile im Newbie
#417 opened by R0glin - 1
SUBMITBLOCK RESULT: {"result":"bad-txnmrklroot","error":null,"id":"1"}
#403 opened by HelloJasonZhang - 1
multi crypto
#413 opened by perfectwebtech - 6
Stratum not open 3333 port
#409 opened by LaFouine25 - 0
#415 opened by Leesung322 - 1
Best front-end to use with stratum-mining?
#416 opened by blackmennewstyle - 7
HTTP Error 403: SSL is required
#390 opened by KWAUfa - 1
Couldn't find index page for 'autobahn'
#412 opened by TTcoinDeveloper - 2
When twisted is executed with stratum, an error occurs that the index of the tuple becomes out of range.
#400 opened by nihonmatsu - 9
- 1
This will skip all SSL-based transports
#408 opened by sakshigadia - 1
- 4
Cannot open port 3333
#365 opened by globaltoken - 0
Clean up Half Node. And try to remove blocking code
#407 opened by ahmedbodi - 0
Add MPOS SSO Support
#406 opened by ahmedbodi - 0
Simplify CoinBaser
#405 opened by ahmedbodi - 0
Extract Hashing Code to support Other Coins
#404 opened by ahmedbodi - 1
ERROR mining # Failed Connect(HTTP 500 or Invalid JSON),Check Username and Password!
#399 opened by giorgeme - 8
Unable to install python
#398 opened by donkeykongz - 3
error when sudo python install
#397 opened by MrNico - 6
- 4
Stratum not open 3333 port
#392 opened by esqui2002 - 0
stratum connect but disconnected
#391 opened by privacybtc - 2
which coin algo´s are supported?
#389 opened by cycleworm - 1
Siacoin Support
#388 opened by cycleworm - 3
Issue Fake shares
#395 opened by Vaegten - 1
1024 difficulty
#387 opened by Bushstar - 0
ahmedbodi/stratum-mining "Stratum connection failed: Failed to connect to xx.xx.xx.xx port 3333: Timed out"
#386 opened by emanbayani - 1
- 1
Bitcoin ALGO
#372 opened by kevinmitnik - 1
How to use stratum-mining with sha256 (peercoin)?
#370 opened by zencd - 1
HOdl algorythm
#367 opened by leggo2 - 4
CONFIG_VERSION is missing from
#378 opened by AmazingDreams - 10
- 0
False (0) INVALID workername
#402 opened by HelloJasonZhang - 2
Stratum stops working after 1 to 3 days
#380 opened by Bushstar - 0
- 1
Multiple instances of stratum-mining
#383 opened by Bushstar - 5
No getPoWHash error
#384 opened by Bushstar - 2
getblocktemplate error
#379 opened by knkrth - 3
Failed to run twistd -y launcher.tac
#366 opened by majeed703 - 1
SubmitBlock Checking for Backup Daemons
#374 opened by HashUnlimited - 1
This can be adapted to work with the XCN currency
#373 opened by teosanru - 11
No module named lib.settings
#375 opened by panda2k - 0
Failed Connect(HTTP 500 or Invalid JSON)
#376 opened by dmitriy100500 - 0
- 1
Feathercoin implementation
#363 opened by cqtenq - 1
No module named twisted.websocket
#362 opened by vetal20600 - 1
help-me with potcoin
#364 opened by ineedpower - 13
getwork removed?
#358 opened by ivoras