
Armada Alliance registry + website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Armada Alliance Website


Our Mission

  • The Armada alliance was formed in efforts to build a community of decentralized, low-cost, and energy-efficient stake pool operations on Cardano. All Stake Pools that are apart of this alliance run on either Raspberry Pis exclusively or low power consuming ARM-based machines.

How to add your pool to the website

  1. Fork this repo with your GitHub account

  2. Add a file named <IDENTITY_ID>.md for every stake pool operator of your stake pool inside https://github.com/armada-alliance/armada-alliance/tree/main/services/website/content/en/identities

  3. Add a file named <POOL_ID>.md for your pool inside https://github.com/armada-alliance/armada-alliance/tree/main/services/website/content/en/stake-pools

  4. Head back to the armada-alliance github and submit a pull request to add your pool to the website

Here is an example of an identity md file.


template: IdentityDetailPage
title: Wael Ivie 🐋
description: Founder, SPO
image: /wael.jpg
website: https://piada.io
donationAddress: addr1q8ae4ja0yrqy49g9pj48t4hhnc6zpamy4kecm7ay3d8m930k7hlxjrthyxvhjkjkxc5xjffs5w2tjqyh9ruv0kwqwv4qrq0gdt
verified: true

Hi I am Wael Ivie, the founder of the Armada Alliance and the ARMing Cardano proposal from fund4 of project Catalyst. My whole life I have been wondering how can I help the world be a better place? I have decided to do this by focusing my efforts on decentralization and blockchain education.

<YoutubeVideo url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py3Xy3ScVas" description="ARMing Cardano" />


Here is an example of a pool's registration md file.


template: PoolDetailPage
ticker: PIADA
memberSince: 2021-04-18 # the date on which you joined the alliance
  - id: tony-piada
    role: spo
  - id: wael-ivie
    role: spo

Please join our alliance's telegram channel https://t.me/armada_alli because this will be the main place we discuss and vote on the future of our alliance. Thank You for Joining the Armada Alliance 😄