
Tool to sign data with a Cardano-Secret-Key // verify data with a Cardano-Public-Key // generate CIP-8, CIP-30, CIP-36 data // generate Cardano keys from a Derivation-Path with/without mnemonics

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Sign & verify data with a Cardano Secret/Public-Key
Sign & verify CIP-8, CIP-30 & CIP-36 data (Catalyst)
Generate Cardano-Keys from Mnemonics and Derivation-Paths


What can cardano-signer sign/generate?

  • Sign any hexdata, textdata or binaryfile with a provided normal or extended secret key. The key can be provided in hex, bech or file format. The signing output is a signature in hex- or json-format, also the public key of the provided secret key for verification. With the enabled --jcli flag the generated signature and public key will be return in a jcli compatible bech format. Cardano-signer can be used instead of jcli for signing.
  • Sign payloads in CIP-8 / CIP-30 mode, hashed or not hashed, with or without a payload in the output. The signing output is a COSE_Sign1 signature in hex format and also the public key of the provided secret key for verification. The output can also be set to be in json format which will also show additional data (--json-extended).
  • Generate and sign Catalyst registration/delegation/deregistration metadata in CIP-36 mode. This also includes relatively weighted voting power delegation. The output is the registration/delegation or deregistraton data in json or cborHex-format and/or a binary cbor file, which can be transmitted on chain as it is.
  • Generate Cardano Keys like .skey/.vkey files and hex-keys from derivation paths, with or without mnemonic words.
  • Generate CIP36 voting-keys.
  • A given address will automatically be checked against the used publicKey.

What can cardano-signer verify?

  • Verify a signature for any hexdata, textdata or binaryfile together with a provided public key. Also an optional address can be verified against the given public key. The key can be provided in hex, bech or file format. The verification output is true(exitcode=0) or false(exitcode=1) as a console output or in json-format.
  • The signature can be provided in hex format or also in bech encoded ed25519_sig format. Cardano-signer can be used instead of jcli for verification.
  • Verify CIP-8 / CIP-30 COSE_Sign1/COSE_Key data. With hashed or non-hashed payloads. There is also a detailed check on the COSE_Sign1 and COSE_Key data structure included. Verification can be done on the COSE_Sign1 + COSE_Key, or COSE_Sign1 + COSE_Key + payload and/or address.



  • Default mode: Sign and verify data with ed25519(cardano) keys
  • CIP-8 / CIP-30 mode: COSE_Sign1 signature & COSE_Key publicKey generation/verification
  • CIP-36 mode: Generate Catalyst metadata for registration/delegation and also deregistration
  • KeyGeneration mode: Generate Cardano keys from mnemonics and derivation-paths  

Full syntax

$ ./cardano-signer help

cardano-signer 1.13.0

Sign a hex/text-string or a binary-file:

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign
   Params: --data-hex "<hex>" | --data "<text>" | --data-file "<path_to_file>"
                                                                data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --secret-key "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"           path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string
           [--address "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"]            optional address check against the signing-key (address-file or a direct bech/hex format)
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--jcli | --bech]                                    optional flag to generate signature & publicKey in jcli compatible bech-format
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "signature + publicKey" or JSON-Format               default: hex-format

Sign a payload in CIP-8 / CIP-30 mode: (COSE_Sign1 only currently)

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip8
           cardano-signer sign --cip30
   Params: --data-hex "<hex>" | --data "<text>" | --data-file "<path_to_file>"
                                                                data/payload/file to sign in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --secret-key "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"           path to a signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string
           --address "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"              path to an address-file or a direct bech/hex format 'stake1..., stake_test1..., addr1...'
           [--hashed]                                           optional flag to hash the payload given via the 'data' parameters
           [--nopayload]                                        optional flag to exclude the payload from the COSE_Sign1 signature, default: included
           [--testnet-magic [xxx]]                              optional flag to switch the address check to testnet-addresses, default: mainnet
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "COSE_Sign1 + COSE_Key" or JSON-Format

Sign a catalyst registration/delegation or deregistration in CIP-36 mode:

   Syntax: cardano-signer sign --cip36
   Params: [--vote-public-key "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"     public-key-file(s) or public hex/bech-key string(s) to delegate the votingpower to (single or multiple)
           --vote-weight <unsigned_int>]                        relative weight of each delegated votingpower, default: 100% for a single delegation
           --secret-key "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"           signing-key-file or a direct signing hex/bech-key string of the stake key (votingpower)
           --payment-address "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"      rewards payout address (address-file or a direct bech/hex format 'addr1..., addr_test1...')
           [--nonce <unsigned_int>]                             optional nonce value, if not provided the mainnet-slotHeight calculated from current machine-time will be used
           [--vote-purpose <unsigned_int>]                      optional parameter (unsigned int), default: 0 (catalyst)
           [--deregister]                                       optional flag to generate a deregistration (no --vote-public-key/--vote-weight/--payment-address needed
           [--testnet-magic [xxx]]                              optional flag to switch the address check to testnet-addresses, default: mainnet
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format, default: cborHex(text)
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
           [--out-cbor "<path_to_file>"]                        path to write a binary metadata.cbor file to
   Output: Registration-Metadata in JSON-, cborHex-, cborBinary-Format

Verify a hex/text-string or a binary-file via signature + publicKey:

   Syntax: cardano-signer verify
   Params: --data-hex "<hex>" | --data "<text>" | --data-file "<path_to_file>"
                                                        data/payload/file to verify in hex-, text- or binary-file-format
           --signature "<hex>|<bech>"                           signature in hex- or bech-format
           --public-key "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"           path to a public-key-file or a direct public hex/bech-key string
           [--address "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"]            optional address check against the public-key (address-file or a direct bech/hex format)
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "true/false" (exitcode 0/1) or JSON-Format

Verify a CIP-8 / CIP-30 payload: (COSE_Sign1 only currently)

   Syntax: cardano-signer verify --cip8
           cardano-signer verify --cip30
   Params: --cose-sign1 "<hex>"                                 COSE_Sign1 signature in cbor-hex-format
           --cose-key "<hex>"                                   COSE_Key containing the public-key in cbor-hex-format
           [--data-hex "<hex>" | --data "<text>" | --data-file "<path_to_file>"]
                                                                optional data/payload/file if not present in the COSE_Sign1 signature
           [--address "<path_to_file>|<hex>|<bech>"]            optional signing-address to do the verification with
           [--hashed]                                           optional flag to hash the payload given via the 'data' parameters
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
   Output: "true/false" (exitcode 0/1) or JSON-Format

Generate Cardano ed25519/ed25519-extended keys:

   Syntax: cardano-signer keygen
   Params: [--path "<derivationpath>"]                          optional derivation path in the format like "1852H/1815H/0H/0/0" or "1852'/1815'/0'/0/0"
                                                                or predefined names: --path payment, --path stake, --path cip36
           [--mnemonics "word1 word2 ... word24"]               optional mnemonic words to derive the key from (separate via space)
           [--cip36]                                            optional flag to generate CIP36 conform vote keys (also using path 1694H/1815H/0H/0/0)
           [--vote-purpose <unsigned_int>]                      optional vote-purpose (unsigned int) together with --cip36 flag, default: 0 (Catalyst)
           [--with-chain-code]                                  optional flag to generate a 128byte secretKey and 64byte publicKey with chain code
           [--json | --json-extended]                           optional flag to generate output in json/json-extended format
           [--out-file "<path_to_file>"]                        path to an output file, default: standard-output
           [--out-skey "<path_to_skey_file>"]                   path to an output skey-file
           [--out-vkey "<path_to_vkey_file>"]                   path to an output vkey-file
   Output: "secretKey + publicKey" or JSON-Format               default: hex-format

Default mode

Signing - Generate a signature


Sign text-data with a KEY-FILE (.skey)

cardano-signer sign --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
		    --secret-key test.skey

Output - Signature & publicKey (hex) :

8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08 57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0

You can generate a nice json output via the --json flag

cardano-signer sign --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
                    --secret-key test.skey \
  "signature": "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08",
  "publicKey": "57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0" 

You can generate a more detailed json output via the --json-extended flag

cardano-signer sign --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
                    --secret-key test.skey \
  "workMode": "sign",
  "signDataHex": "7468697320697320612074657374207061796c6f6164203a2d29",
  "signature": "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08",
  "secretKey": "e8ddb1cfc09e163915e6c28fcb5fbb563bfef57201857e15288b67abbd91e4441e5fa179a8f90da1684ba5aa310da521651d2ce20443f149f8ca9e333a96dabc",
  "publicKey": "57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0"

You can also do an optional address check, if the address belongs to the key.

cardano-signer sign --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
                    --secret-key dummy.skey \
		    --json-extended \
		    --address "addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d"

If the address is wrong you will get an error like:

Error: The address 'addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d' does not belong to the provided secret key.

If the address is correct, cardano-signer outputs like normal. In case of the detailed json output it also includes the address infos.

  "workMode": "sign",
  "signDataHex": "7468697320697320612074657374207061796c6f6164203a2d29",
  "addressHex": "617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
  "addressType": "payment enterprise",
  "addressNetwork": "mainnet",
  "signature": "c60aae4701b49d0b5276b703e72b1a310d6df45b6671bcc08eb06ae9640584577d5d7bb14429bbc855a6382a40412a27f8d5c794220e26cea7404f1cfb0e5d0b",
  "secretKey": "16275bd6647f94a53e9fe1c71439a258a03c13cadf32935ed5388972ebd7e53f",
  "publicKey": "755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9"

💡 For verification, check out the Examples below too!

Sign hex-data with a KEY-HEXSTRING

cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a"

Output - Signature & publicKey (hex) :

ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03 9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27

You can also write out to a file of course.

cardano-signer sign \
      --out-file mySignature.txt \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a"

No visible output was generated to the stdout, but Signature+publicKey was written to the file mySignature.txt

Here are two examples for invalid input secret keys:

cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a"
Error: Invalid normal secret key
cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key "c14ef0cc5e352446d6243976f51e8ffb2ae257f2a547c4fba170964a76501e7a88afe88fa8f888544e6f5a5f555e5faf6f6f"
Error: Invalid extended secret key

Sign hex-data with a KEY-FILE (.skey)

cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key owner.staking.skey

Output - Signature & publicKey (hex) :

ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03 9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27
cardano-signer sign \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --secret-key owner.staking.vkey
Error: The file 'owner.staking.vkey' is not a signing/secret key json

Sign a file with a KEY-FILE (.skey)

cardano-signer sign --data-file test.txt --secret-key test.skey

Output - Signature & publicKey (hex) :

caacb18c46319f55b932efa77357f14b66b27aa908750df2c91800dc59711015ea2e568974ac0bcabf9b1c4708b877c2b94a7658c2dcad78b108049062572e09 57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0



Verify text-data with a given signature and a key-file (.skey)

cardano-signer verify --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
		      --public-key test.vkey \
		      --signature "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08"

The output is plaintext (without any flag) and will be simply true if there is a match, or false if there is a mismatch. Cardano-signer also exits with an exitcode=0 (no error) in case of a match, or with exitcode=1 in case any error or mismatch occured.


You can generate a json output via the --json flag too.

cardano-signer verify --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
		      --public-key test.vkey \
		      --signature "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08" \
  "result": "true"

Or a more detailed json output via the --json-extended flag.

cardano-signer verify --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
		      --public-key test.vkey \
		      --signature "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08" \
  "workMode": "verify",
  "result": "true",
  "verifyDataHex": "7468697320697320612074657374207061796c6f6164203a2d29",
  "signature": "8a5fd6602094407b7e5923aa0f2694f8cb5cf39f317a61059fdc572e24fc1c7660d23c04d46355aed78b5ec35ae8cad1433e7367bb874390dfe46ed155727a08",
  "publicKey": "57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0"

You can also do an optional address check, if the address belongs to the provided public key by adding the address with parameter --address:

cardano-signer verify --data "this is a test payload :-)" \
		      --public-key dummy.vkey \
		      --signature "c60aae4701b49d0b5276b703e72b1a310d6df45b6671bcc08eb06ae9640584577d5d7bb14429bbc855a6382a40412a27f8d5c794220e26cea7404f1cfb0e5d0b" \
		      --address "addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d"
Error: The address 'addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d' does not belong to the provided public key.

And if the address matched, cardano-signer will just generate a normal output. If you have set it to --json-extended it also includes the address infos like:

  "workMode": "verify",
  "result": "true",
  "verifyDataHex": "7468697320697320612074657374207061796c6f6164203a2d29",
  "addressHex": "617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
  "addressType": "payment enterprise",
  "addressNetwork": "mainnet",
  "signature": "c60aae4701b49d0b5276b703e72b1a310d6df45b6671bcc08eb06ae9640584577d5d7bb14429bbc855a6382a40412a27f8d5c794220e26cea7404f1cfb0e5d0b",
  "publicKey": "755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9"

Verify hex-data with a given signature and a key-hexstring

cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"

The output is plaintext and will be simply true if there is a match, or false if there is a mismatch. Cardano-signer also exits with an exitcode=0 (no error) in case of a match, or with exitcode=1 in case any error or mismatch occured.

cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "aaaaaaaaaab3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"
cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "aaaaaaaaaa45dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key "9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27" \
  "result": "false"

Verify hex-data with a signature and a key-file

cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key owner.staking.vkey
cardano-signer verify \
      --data-hex "8f21b675423a65244483506122492f5720d7bd35d70616348089678ed4eb07a9" \
      --signature "ca3ddc10f845dbe0c22875aaf91f66323d3f28e265696dcd3c56b91a8e675c9e30fd86ba69b9d1cf271a12f7710c9f3385c78cbf016e17e1df339bea8bd2db03" \
      --public-key owner.staking.skey

You will also get errors if the provided key is not a public-key for example

Error: The file 'owner.staking.skey' is not a verification/public key json

Verify a file with a signature and a key-file

cardano-signer verify --data-file test.txt --public-key test.vkey \
                      --signature "caacb18c46319f55b932efa77357f14b66b27aa908750df2c91800dc59711015ea2e568974ac0bcabf9b1c4708b877c2b94a7658c2dcad78b108049062572e09"



CIP-8 / CIP-30 mode

Signing - Generate the COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key


Sign some text-data payload

cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--data "Hello world" \
	--secret-key dummy.skey \
	--address dummy.addr

Output - COSE_Sign1 Signature & COSE_Key publicKey (hex):

84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9

Or with the more detailed json output which includes many useful and extra information like the signedMessage string:

cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--data "Hello world" \
	--secret-key dummy.skey \
	--address dummy.addr \
  "workMode": "sign-cip8",
  "addressHex": "617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
  "addressType": "payment enterprise",
  "addressNetwork": "mainnet",
  "inputDataHex": "48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "isHashed": "false",
  "signDataHex": "846a5369676e617475726531582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8404b48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "signature": "fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001",
  "secretKey": "16275bd6647f94a53e9fe1c71439a258a03c13cadf32935ed5388972ebd7e53f",
  "publicKey": "755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9",
  "output": {
    "signedMessage": "cms_hFgqogEnZ2FkZHJlc3NYHWF4Y7XEO98KBmCKvILwVzpUlxT_aRZgdNzd45PYoWZoYXNoZWT0S0hlbGxvIHdvcmxkWED8WBVfDO4FvADnKZrx3x8VmsgqRqBVeGsllleTTv80buyBNJ1GeM6rx58hPGaivb_U6l2evcYwvuWsnM51z8ABZWrr1w",
    "COSE_Sign1_hex": "84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001",
    "COSE_Key_hex": "a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9"

If you wanna hash the payload, add the --hashed flag:

cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--data "Hello world" \
	--secret-key dummy.skey \
	--address dummy.addr \
	--hashed \

If you wanna exclude the payload itself from the COSE_Sign1 output, add the --nopayload flag:

cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--data "Hello world" \
	--secret-key dummy.skey \
	--address dummy.addr \
	--nopayload \

This will not include the payload in the COSE_Sign1 signature, useful if all involved entities know the payload.

COSE_Sign1 cbor:
84                                     # array(4)
   58 2a                               #   bytes(42)
      a201276761646472657373581d617863 #     "\xa2\x01\'gaddressX\x1daxc"
      b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714 #     "\xb5\xc4;\xdf\n\x06`\x8a\xbc\x82\xf0W:T\x97\x14"
      ff69166074dcdde393d8             #     "\xffi\x16`t\xdc\xdd\xe3\x93\xd8"
   a1                                  #   map(1)
      66                               #     text(6)
         686173686564                  #       "hashed"
      f4                               #     false, simple(20)
   f6                                  #   null, simple(22)
   58 40                               #   bytes(64)
      fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f15 #     "\xfcX\x15_\x0c\xee\x05\xbc\x00\xe7)\x9a\xf1\xdf\x1f\x15"
      9ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346e #     "\x9a\xc8*F\xa0Uxk%\x96W\x93N\xff4n"
      ec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbf #     "\xec\x814\x9dFx\xce\xab\xc7\x9f!<f\xa2\xbd\xbf"
      d4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 #     "\xd4\xea]\x9e\xbd\xc60\xbe\xe5\xac\x9c\xceu\xcf\xc0\x01"

Sign hex-data payload

cardano-signer sign --cip8 \
	--address "stake_test1urqntq4wexjylnrdnp97qq79qkxxvrsa9lcnwr7ckjd6w0cr04y4p" \
	--data-hex "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" \
	--secret-key staking.skey \
	--testnet-magic 1 \

Output - COSE_Sign1 Signature & COSE_Key publicKey (hex):

  "COSE_Sign1_hex": "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",
  "COSE_Key_hex": "a40101032720062158209be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27"



Verify COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key data

Lets use the signed data from the first signing example for the verification.

COSE_Sign1: 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001
COSE_Key: a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9

To verify the COSE data with a detailed output run:

cardano-signer verify --cip8 \
	--cose-sign1 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 \
	--cose-key a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9 \

This outputs the detailed json:

  "workMode": "verify-cip8",
  "result": "true",
  "addressHex": "617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
  "addressType": "payment enterprise",
  "addressNetwork": "mainnet",
  "payloadDataHex": "48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "isHashed": "false",
  "verifyDataHex": "846a5369676e617475726531582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8404b48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "signature": "fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001",
  "publicKey": "755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9"

You see that the verification was successful, the used signing-address, and payload was not hashed.

Verify COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key data with a given payload

If you wanna verify the COSE data against a given payload, simply add it as a --data parameter:

cardano-signer verify --cip8 \
	--cose-sign1 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 \
	--cose-key a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9 \
	--data 'Not hello world' \
  "result": "false"

Verify a 'payloadless' COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key by providing the needed payload data

If you have a COSE_Sign1 without an included payload (like the signing example further above), you need to provide the payload data to do a successful verification. In the example the payload was 'Hello world' but was not included in the COSE_Sign1, so we add it.

cardano-signer verify --cip30 \
	--cose-sign1 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f4f65840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 \
	--cose-key a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9 \
	--data 'Hello world' \
  "workMode": "verify-cip30",
  "result": "true",
  "addressHex": "617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
  "addressType": "payment enterprise",
  "addressNetwork": "mainnet",
  "payloadDataHex": "48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "isHashed": "false",
  "verifyDataHex": "846a5369676e617475726531582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8404b48656c6c6f20776f726c64",
  "signature": "fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001",
  "publicKey": "755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9"

The verification is successful.

Verify the address in the COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key data

To verify the address in the COSE data simply add the address via the --address parameter:

cardano-signer verify --cip8 \
	--cose-sign1 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 \
	--cose-key a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9 \
	--address dummy.addr
  "result": "true"

If the address does not belong to the publicKey in the COSE_Key, there will be an error.

cardano-signer verify --cip8 \
	--cose-sign1 84582aa201276761646472657373581d617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8a166686173686564f44b48656c6c6f20776f726c645840fc58155f0cee05bc00e7299af1df1f159ac82a46a055786b259657934eff346eec81349d4678ceabc79f213c66a2bdbfd4ea5d9ebdc630bee5ac9cce75cfc001 \
	--cose-key a4010103272006215820755b017578b701dc9ddd4eaee67015b4ca8baf66293b7b1d204df426c0ceccb9 \
	--address addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc

Results in an error:

Error: The given payment enterprise address 'addr_test1vpfwv0ezc5g8a4mkku8hhy3y3vp92t7s3ul8g778g5yegsgalc6gc' does not belong to the public key in the COSE_Key.



CIP-36 mode (Catalyst Voting Registration / VotingPower Delegation)

Signing - Generate the registration metadata


Register/Delegate to a single voting-key with minimal parameters (Mainnet example)

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
	--payment-address "addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d" \
	--vote-public-key test.voting.vkey \
	--secret-key myStakeKey.skey \

The output in json format (Nonce automatically calculated from current machine time):

  "61284": {
    "1": [
      [ "0x423fa841abf9f7fa8dfa10dacdb6737b27fdb0d9bcd9b95d48cabb53047ab769", 1 ]
    "2": "0x9be513df12b3fabe7c1b8c3f9fab0968eb2168d5689bf981c2f7c35b11718b27",
    "3": "0x617863b5c43bdf0a06608abc82f0573a549714ff69166074dcdde393d8",
    "4": 76763961,
    "5": 0
  "61285": {
    "1": "0x9b3534eeedaea8300bad568be60363b9e2e829ab4249b0ba23f78738a7f952e84afd22a97b744a541c431cf8e9e0bb4a6f7431a2f752fa450b761bc0fa100b0a"

If you write out the output to a file via the --out-file or --out-cbor parameter, you can directly attach it to a transaction as metadata to execute the registration/delegation on chain.

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
	--payment-address "addr1v9ux8dwy800s5pnq327g9uzh8f2fw98ldytxqaxumh3e8kqumfr6d" \
	--vote-public-key test.voting.vkey \
	--secret-key myStakeKey.skey \
	--out-cbor myRegistration.cbor
#Sending example via the SPO-Scripts like:
01_sendLovelaces.sh wallet wallet min myRegistration.cbor

Register/Delegate to a single voting-key with more parameters

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
      --payment-address "addr_test1qrlvt2gzuvrhq7m2k00rsyzfrrqwx085cdqgum7w5nc2rxwpxkp2ajdyflxxmxztuqpu2pvvvc8p6tl3xu8a3dym5uls50mr97" \
      --secret-key ../owner.staking.skey \
      --vote-public-key somevote.vkey \
      --nonce 71948552 \
      --testnet-magic 1 \
      --out-cbor catalyst-delegation.cbor

Output (cbor-hex):


Register/Delegate to multiple voting-keys with votingpower 10%,20%,70%

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
      --payment-address "addr_test1qrlvt2gzuvrhq7m2k00rsyzfrrqwx085cdqgum7w5nc2rxwpxkp2ajdyflxxmxztuqpu2pvvvc8p6tl3xu8a3dym5uls50mr97" \
      --secret-key ../owner.staking.skey \
      --vote-public-key ../somevote.vkey \
      --vote-weight 10 \
      --vote-public-key "C2CD50D8A231FBC1444D65ABAB4F6BF74178E6DE64722558EEEF0B73DE293A8A" \
      --vote-weight 20 \
      --vote-public-key "ed25519_pk128c305nw9xh20kearuhcwj447kzlvxdfttkk6uwnrf6qfjm9276svd678w" \
      --vote-weight 70 \
      --nonce 71948552 \
      --testnet-magic 1 \
      --out-cbor catalyst-multidelegation.cbor

Output (cbor-hex):


Or with two voting-keys and votingpower 1 & 5 with a json-extended output

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
	--payment-address "addr_test1qrlvt2gzuvrhq7m2k00rsyzfrrqwx085cdqgum7w5nc2rxwpxkp2ajdyflxxmxztuqpu2pvvvc8p6tl3xu8a3dym5uls50mr97" \
	--secret-key "f5beaeff7932a4164d270afde7716067582412e8977e67986cd9b456fc082e3a" \
	--vote-public-key ../myvote.voting.pkey --vote-weight 1 \
	--vote-public-key vote-test.vkey --vote-weight 5 \
	--nonce 123456789 \
	--testnet-magic 1 \

The output is a way more detailed json format, it contains the raw cbor output in the .output.cbor key, and the human-readable format in the .output.json key:

  "workMode": "sign-cip36",
  "votePurpose": "Catalyst (0)",
  "totalVoteWeight": 6,
  "paymentAddressHex": "00fec5a902e307707b6ab3de38104918c0e33cf4c3408e6fcea4f0a199c13582aec9a44fcc6d984be003c5058c660e1d2ff1370fd8b49ba73f",
  "paymentAddressType": "payment base",
  "paymentAddressNetwork": "testnet",
  "signDataHex": "1ebe4301d8db0af3c65682e8c9c70c0a22ecc474824d4688b6c24936b9d69fd4",
  "signature": "c5e380e1282b54d6e2f9004e73c533c5e1b135b81076859ff606a16dde410f8375164fc4c4d6c11e43633228687580b5bab02b3181908715f74efdefd2e63902",
  "secretKey": "f5beaeff7932a4164d270afde7716067582412e8977e67986cd9b456fc082e3a",
  "publicKey": "86870efc99c453a873a16492ce87738ec79a0ebd064379a62e2c9cf4e119219e",
  "output": {
    "cbor": "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",
    "json": {
      "61284": {
        "1": [
        "2": "0x86870efc99c453a873a16492ce87738ec79a0ebd064379a62e2c9cf4e119219e",
        "3": "0x00fec5a902e307707b6ab3de38104918c0e33cf4c3408e6fcea4f0a199c13582aec9a44fcc6d984be003c5058c660e1d2ff1370fd8b49ba73f",
        "4": 123456789,
        "5": 0
      "61285": {
        "1": "0xc5e380e1282b54d6e2f9004e73c533c5e1b135b81076859ff606a16dde410f8375164fc4c4d6c11e43633228687580b5bab02b3181908715f74efdefd2e63902"

Deregistration from the voting-chain with minimal parameters (Mainnet example)

You can generate a deregistration metadata by using the --deregister flag. In that case no vote-key (vote-public-key) or rewards-address is needed as input. Just the secret-key and optionally a nonce and voting-chain-id.

cardano-signer sign --cip36 \
	--deregister \
	--secret-key myStakeKey.skey \

The output is a human-readable json format, if you redirect it to a file via the --out-file parameter, you can directly use it as metadata in a transaction on the chain. Nonce (if not provided) its automatically calculated from current machine time.

  "61286": {
    "1": "0x57758911253f6b31df2a87c10eb08a2c9b8450768cb8dd0d378d93f7c2e220f0",
    "2": 74858300,
    "3": 0
  "61285": {
    "1": "0xc7bec561f2b80766f78c169ccb231865048e0ed7e9fb4f98f263d00e3e4a2e6126a18f70b303be63f8e01f46dd116be5c387495a7cec707d3ebc3e6be4d87008"



KeyGeneration mode


Normal ed25519 keypair without derivation-path/mnemonics

Generate a keypair in hex-format

cardano-signer keygen

Output - secretKey & publicKey (hex) :

1e0e5b1614ad54e170a43ce74fd53e29217ec4ba341d9ad52d97c30ba696bb9c 1d8f971d0b8553981c90e1b5d2884e8190b21f5547c2a784fc65c59cf022d4b2

You can generate a nice json output via the --json or --json-extended flag

cardano-signer keygen --json-extended
  "workMode": "keygen",
  "secretKey": "629ebc4ca6ace67f7b427bf728b39aa5d7bb2f8851f88575d8cee8d112a0956c",
  "publicKey": "f987631d2e136fc9905f8f7f27a8654a5f86834e118c2873d805f2573e41d0c2",
  "output": {
    "skey": {
      "type": "PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519",
      "description": "Payment Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5820629ebc4ca6ace67f7b427bf728b39aa5d7bb2f8851f88575d8cee8d112a0956c"
    "vkey": {
      "type": "PaymentVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519",
      "description": "Payment Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "5820f987631d2e136fc9905f8f7f27a8654a5f86834e118c2873d805f2573e41d0c2"

Generate .skey/.vkey files

You can also directly generate .skey/.vkey files via the --out-skey & --out-vkey parameter

cardano-signer keygen --json-extended \
                    --out-skey test.skey \
		    --out-vkey test.vkey

This generates the typical .skey/.vkey files with content like

      "type": "PaymentSigningKeyShelley_ed25519",
      "description": "Payment Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5820629ebc4ca6ace67f7b427bf728b39aa5d7bb2f8851f88575d8cee8d112a0956c"
      "type": "PaymentVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519",
      "description": "Payment Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "5820f987631d2e136fc9905f8f7f27a8654a5f86834e118c2873d805f2573e41d0c2"

ed25519-extended keys with a derivation-path

Generate a keypair from the standard payment path

cardano-signer keygen \
	--path 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 \

Output - JSON Format:

  "workMode": "keygen",
  "path": "1852H/1815H/0H/0/0",
  "mnemonics": "indoor wear trap injury weapon thing genre dad marriage hurry craft barrel carry casual orient bitter reward spider earn three reward afraid follow mobile",
  "secretKey": "406f4acc96cde9c98e95a98c48af46230112198ede4e98455e08537b63d3075c07aaf7933db85cf6081791f1c51355e4a6677dd1bf182ffd1e45f1e223e831ac",
  "publicKey": "e5f99ed635d5616c756e20b3aa63700dfe72dcd7fbdf706eb5337770055b9b7f",
  "XpubKeyHex": "4cc3dea9594895b865419aba218441879c8268de7045955872a5ed24e520de5a39481c4e2a623fcef20482f73f5535dd8aa487e330ccaa04464e5222d1017b1a",
  "XpubKeyBech": "xpub1fnpaa22efz2mse2pn2azrpzps7wgy6x7wpze2krj5hkjfefqmedrjjqufc4xy07w7gzg9ael256amz4ysl3npn92q3ryu53z6yqhkxss8pa0p",
  "output": {
    "skey": {
      "type": "PaymentExtendedSigningKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
      "description": "Payment Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5840406f4acc96cde9c98e95a98c48af46230112198ede4e98455e08537b63d3075c07aaf7933db85cf6081791f1c51355e4a6677dd1bf182ffd1e45f1e223e831ac"
    "vkey": {
      "type": "PaymentExtendedVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
      "description": "Payment Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "5820e5f99ed635d5616c756e20b3aa63700dfe72dcd7fbdf706eb5337770055b9b7f"

As you can see, this generates a new keypair with random mnemonics for the given derivation path 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0. You can also use the format "1852'/1815'/0'/0/0" for the path, just make sure you put the whole path in doublequotes.

This generated mnemonics are in the Shelley(Icarus) standard BIP39 format and will work with all major wallets like Eternl, Typhoon, etc.

Also a Xpub... key was generated, which can be used to view wallet data in external tracking apps.

Generate .skey/.vkey files

Like with the normal ed25519 keys, use the --out-skey & --out-vkey parameters to directly write out .skey/.vkey files.

cardano-signer keygen \
	--path 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 \
	--out-skey stake.skey \
	--out-vkey stake.vkey

This generates the typical .skey/.vkey files with content like

      "type": "StakeExtendedSigningKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
      "description": "Stake Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5840f0a67a2da52bab4b8c937f8eaffff7471b9e90cd14c22c4354d25dece70e54503b3ecc59893bd937ee43df012c254b643a41ebd0ef13ae5ef3e691ac7bc2b634"
      "type": "StakeExtendedVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
      "description": "Stake Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "58205a99e2dbbbb23fdae6af97b7a540b70dc68cde49e816c632accfbb5533bebdf5"

CIP36 voting keys without/with mnemonics

Generate a keypair from the specific 1694H/1815H/0H/0/0 CIP36 path without mnemonics

cardano-signer keygen \
	--cip36 \

Output - JSON Format:

  "workMode": "keygen-cip36",
  "path": "1694H/1815H/0H/0/0",
  "mnemonics": "noise dad blood spell fiber valley pact dial nest arrow umbrella addict skill excuse duty hover lyrics enrich now zebra draft sample city hair",
  "secretKey": "106c158474bf7cc634bd4368c69d83a0d9930fbb8036f4905beec7b5f82e6547ad08887117afa7c7fb452e831c1c157d53168b5ccf2a349964485be877d69cf8",
  "publicKey": "8f1c138a9a1d9c54c38881cdd46aeaf7b409c2dab30d168344934d34299a6dea",
  "XpubKeyHex": "81d2f04ba976badf5f83711c904898f26f08c64de2185b3fb3c46fdb7f37bae4e093e35996924a30f98a169d862f57b248cb95eb77ba50ce4d24b76c1859e21a",
  "XpubKeyBech": "xpub1s8f0qjafw6ad7hurwywfqjyc7fhs33jdugv9k0anc3haklehhtjwpylrtxtfyj3slx9pd8vx9atmyjxtjh4h0wjseexjfdmvrpv7yxsku9k6z",
  "votePurpose": "Catalyst (0)",
  "secretKeyBech": "cvote_sk1zpkptpr5ha7vvd9agd5vd8vr5rvexramsqm0fyzmamrmt7pwv4r66zygwyt6lf78ldzjaqcurs2h65ck3dwv7235n9jysklgwltfe7q0y0yjp",
  "publicKeyBech": "cvote_vk13uwp8z56rkw9fsugs8xag6h2776qnsk6kvx3dq6yjdxng2v6dh4qtskqms",
  "output": {
    "skey": {
      "type": "CIP36VoteExtendedSigningKey_ed25519",
      "description": "Catalyst Vote Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5840106c158474bf7cc634bd4368c69d83a0d9930fbb8036f4905beec7b5f82e6547ad08887117afa7c7fb452e831c1c157d53168b5ccf2a349964485be877d69cf8"
    "vkey": {
      "type": "CIP36VoteVerificationKey_ed25519",
      "description": "Catalyst Vote Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "58208f1c138a9a1d9c54c38881cdd46aeaf7b409c2dab30d168344934d34299a6dea"

Providing the --cip36 flag sets the parameters to generate CIP36 conform voting key.

You can achieve the same result by setting --path 1694H/1815H/0H/0/0 or using the shortcut --path cip36.

Like with the examples before, you can write out .skey/.vkey files if needed.

Such a generated voting key can be used to be included in the CIP36(Catalyst) registration metadata, which can also be generated & signed by cardano-signer. You can delegate Voting-Power to such a voting key. Later on you can restore a Wallet in a dApp enabled LightWallet like Eternl with the generated mnemonics to do the Voting via the VotingCenter.

Generate a keypair with given mnemonics

cardano-signer keygen \
	--path 1694H/1815H/0H/0/0 \
	--mnemonics "noise dad blood spell fiber valley pact dial nest arrow umbrella addict skill excuse duty hover lyrics enrich now zebra draft sample city hair" \

Output - JSON Format:

  "workMode": "keygen-cip36",
  "path": "1694H/1815H/0H/0/0",
  "mnemonics": "noise dad blood spell fiber valley pact dial nest arrow umbrella addict skill excuse duty hover lyrics enrich now zebra draft sample city hair",
  "secretKey": "106c158474bf7cc634bd4368c69d83a0d9930fbb8036f4905beec7b5f82e6547ad08887117afa7c7fb452e831c1c157d53168b5ccf2a349964485be877d69cf8",
  "publicKey": "8f1c138a9a1d9c54c38881cdd46aeaf7b409c2dab30d168344934d34299a6dea",
  "XpubKeyHex": "81d2f04ba976badf5f83711c904898f26f08c64de2185b3fb3c46fdb7f37bae4e093e35996924a30f98a169d862f57b248cb95eb77ba50ce4d24b76c1859e21a",
  "XpubKeyBech": "xpub1s8f0qjafw6ad7hurwywfqjyc7fhs33jdugv9k0anc3haklehhtjwpylrtxtfyj3slx9pd8vx9atmyjxtjh4h0wjseexjfdmvrpv7yxsku9k6z",
  "votePurpose": "Catalyst (0)",
  "secretKeyBech": "cvote_sk1zpkptpr5ha7vvd9agd5vd8vr5rvexramsqm0fyzmamrmt7pwv4r66zygwyt6lf78ldzjaqcurs2h65ck3dwv7235n9jysklgwltfe7q0y0yjp",
  "publicKeyBech": "cvote_vk13uwp8z56rkw9fsugs8xag6h2776qnsk6kvx3dq6yjdxng2v6dh4qtskqms",
  "output": {
    "skey": {
      "type": "CIP36VoteExtendedSigningKey_ed25519",
      "description": "Catalyst Vote Signing Key",
      "cborHex": "5840106c158474bf7cc634bd4368c69d83a0d9930fbb8036f4905beec7b5f82e6547ad08887117afa7c7fb452e831c1c157d53168b5ccf2a349964485be877d69cf8"
    "vkey": {
      "type": "CIP36VoteVerificationKey_ed25519",
      "description": "Catalyst Vote Verification Key",
      "cborHex": "58208f1c138a9a1d9c54c38881cdd46aeaf7b409c2dab30d168344934d34299a6dea"

If you provide mnemonics via the --mnemonics parameter, these mnemonics will be used to derive the keys from. So you can also for example convert your Daedalus Wallet into .skey/.vkey files.

Release Notes / Change-Logs

  • 1.13.0

    New key generation mode:

    • generate normal ed25519 keys
    • generate extended ed25519 keys from a derivation path like "1852H/1815H/0H/0/0"
    • generate keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
    • generate CIP36 conform vote keys incl. bech cvote_vk data and an optional vote_purpose
    • generate keys with or without chaincode attached
    • directly write out .skey/.vkey files (like cardano-cli)
    • extended information like an Xpub... key is available via the --json-extended flag
    • shortcuts for paths can be used like --path payment, --path stake, --path cip36
  • 1.12.1

    CIP-36 update:

    • Changed the --rewards-address parameter to --payment-address parameter. This reflects the latest changes in CIP-36
    • Also the keys for rewardsAddressHex,rewardsAddressType and rewardsAddressNetwork in the --json-extended output are not renamed to paymentAddressHex, paymentAddressType, paymentAddressNetwork
  • 1.12.0


    • The output via --json-extended is now showing more details about the address (hex, type, network)
    • The help description can now be displayed for each sub command like: cardano-signer sign --cip8 --help
    • Addresses provided via the --address parameter can now be a bech-address, hex-string or the path to a file containing the bech-address (typical mywallet.addr) files

    CIP-8 / CIP-30 updates:

    • Completely reworked CIP-8/CIP-30 code. Flags --cip8 & --cip30 will currently do the same, because CIP-30 uses CIP-8 signing.
    • Signing a payload now generates a full COSE_Sign1 signature together with the COSE_Key publicKey
    • The payload can be set to hashed via the new flag --hashed
    • The payload can be excluded from the COSE_Sign1 signature with the new flag --nopayload
    • The signing address will be automatically checked against the publicKey (signing and verification)
    • Extended data structure check of the given COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key
    • Verification can be done against the COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key, and optionally also against a given payload and address
    • The output via --json-extended shows additional information if the payload is hashed, address infos, etc.
  • 1.11.0


    • Added an optional flag --bech (also --jcli works), to output the signature and public key in jcli compatible bech format with prefixes ed25519_sig and ed25519_pk. This is available in the normal signing mode.
    • The verify function now also accepts bech encoded signatures ed25519_sig in addition to hex strings.
    • With this update the sign/verify functions in cardano-signer can substitute jcli for sign/verify.
  • 1.10.1

    CIP-36 updates:

    • Starting with Fund10, the rewards address for the voting rewards must be a regular payment address (enterprise or base address), not a stake address like before.
  • 1.10.0

    • Added an optional address check for the normal sign/verify functions via the --address parameter. If provided, cardano-signer checks that the address belongs to the provided signing/public key.
  • 1.9.0

    CIP-36 mode updates:

    • Added the new deregistration metadata format in CIP-36 mode, which is using key 61286 for the deregistration data.
    • Changed the output of --json-extended in CIP-36 mode to output the cbor and json content below the "output" key example


    • Using the general bech32 lib to decode public/private keys, so any bech32 string can be used. Before it was limited to ed25519_pk and ed25519_sk prefixes.
    • Defining command-line argument types to avoid parsing arguments like --data-hex="000000" as a number. Must be parsed as a string of course.
    • Added command-line aliases so you can also use: --signing-key or --secret-key, --verification-key or --public-key, etc.
  • 1.8.0

    CIP-36 mode updates:

    • Allow duplicated voting_key entries
    • New check to avoid using a wrong vote-public-key or a wrong stake secret-key. Because the public-key of the signing secret-key must be different than the entries in the delegations array.
    • New check that the total-vote-weight is not zero
    • Added the fields votePurpose and totalVoteWeight to the --json-extended output-mode
    • Syntax Update: Added flag --deregister to generate an empty delegation array, no voting_keys or rewards address is needed using that flag
    • Syntax Update: If no --nonce parameter is provided, cardano-signer automatically calculates the Mainnet slotHeight from the current machine time and uses it as the nonce


    • Syntax Update: Added parameter --testnet-magic [xxx] to CIP-8 and CIP-36 mode to allow an additional check about the right bech-address format. (Default = mainnet)
  • 1.7.0

    • Added JSON and JSON-Extended output format: Default output format is plaintext, using the --json flag generates a JSON output. Using the --json-extended flag generates a JSON output with much more information.
    • In CIP-36 mode, using the new --json flag together with the --out-file parameter generates directly a JSON Format which is compatible to be used as a registration.json metadata with cardano-cli. --out-cbor always generates a binary registration.cbor metadata file, also compatible to be used with cardano-cli.
    • Usage/Help context is now colored for better readability
  • 1.6.1

    • Added new check in CIP-36 mode to avoid duplicated voting_key entries in the delegations. Exits with an error if duplicates are found.
  • 1.6.0

    • New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter --data-file to use any binary file as the data source to sign.
    • Added the function to directly use bech encoded secret and public keys for the signing/verification. You can mix the formats.
  • 1.5.0

    • New CIP-36 mode via parameter --cip36. This enables the new catalyst/governance registration and votingpower (multi-)delegation mode. Output generates a signed cbor file or hex_string.
  • 1.4.0

    • New CIP-8 mode via parameter --cip8. This enables CIP-8 conform payload signing.
    • New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter --data for pure text payloads, and --data-hex for hex-encoded payloads.
  • 1.3.0

    • Now supporting true parameter/flag names.
    • Added new optional --out-file option, which would write the signature+publicKey to a file and not to the standard output.
  • 1.2.0

    • Added support to use Cardano-Key-Files in addition to a direct Key-Hexstring. Supports standard sKey/vKey JSON files and also files with a Bech32-Key in it, like the ones generated via jcli
  • 1.1.0

    • Added functionality to do also a Verification of the Signature together with the data and the Public Key.
  • 1.0.0

    • Initial version, supports signing of a Data-Hexstring string with a Key-Hexstring.
